Nah, if I have a bunch of lies and fabrications about myself to fuck with people I don't have any respect for, I'll just do it from this account. I've already racked up quite the number. ;)
"Make a retard of myself" To who? The people here? What a fruitful and intellectually stimulating community we have here that I am just jumping to wow and impress. :lol:

As much as I'd love to discuss music, I'd rather not sift through the "in-crowd!" and "alts!" because it's annoying and I'd rather just troll. See you in 3-4 weeks.
Even if I did come back here subtly and just talked about music, you would still create arguments out of nothing because of who's posting, not what I'm posting about. You do it every time. TB does the same thing to Phylactery but he just ignores everything that he says (which is hilarious to me).

I miss the days when you would be under the poseur guillotine faster than you can say "If you are a false don't entry" for saying you like tech-death and especially fucking deathcore (lol!). Didn't you just get into metal in 2006?
Even if I did come back here subtly and just talked about music, you would still create arguments out of nothing because of who's posting, not what I'm posting about. You do it every time.

What a lame excuse (and a blatant lie too). The worst kind of dramawhores are the ones that are attracted to it, but only to complain about how it turns them off from the forum, and pretend to be above it.

Didn't you just get into metal in 2006?

Yeah I just got into metal about 15 years ago. :lol:
What a lame excuse (and a blatant lie too). The worst kind of dramawhores are the ones that are attracted to it, but only to complain about how it turns them off from the forum, and pretend to be above it.

Complaining about being turned off by the forum on the rare event that I even fucking come here is certainly not the same as being attracted to it. If that were true, I'd be here all the time. I deliberately avoid this place most of the time if you haven't noticed.
Complaining about being turned off by the forum on the rare event that I even fucking come here is certainly not the same as being attracted to it. If that were true, I'd be here all the time. I deliberately avoid this place most of the time if you haven't noticed.

Nah you're definitely attracted to it, you were ghost until me and Tech were laughing about alts, suddenly your five head appeared and had to jump in lmfao. Like I said, always around to complain about drama and that there's no music discussion, never around to have music discussions or join in the random games we do when there's no drama.

I miss the days when you would be under the poseur guillotine faster than you can say "If you are a false don't entry" for saying you like tech-death and especially fucking deathcore (lol!).

Ironic coming from a wigger slammer. Guillotine yourself while I go enjoy some Deformity.
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Nah you're definitely attracted to it, you were ghost until me and Tech were laughing about alts, suddenly your five head appeared and had to jump in lmfao. Like I said, always around to complain about drama and that there's no music discussion, never around to have music discussions or join in the random games we do when there's no drama.

My first couple of messages were in jest but you were looking for a fight per usual so it quickly turned into that.

Ironic coming from a wigger slammer. Guillotine yourself while I go enjoy some Deformity.

Did you somehow fail to notice that I was deliberately saying the exact opposite of what I'd said before about wigger slam? Almost every link I shared was as wigger as it could possibly be. :lol:

Wigger slam is like nu-metal to me. It's dumb, funny, and fun to laugh at with friends when I'm drinking but I'm not going to pretend like I listen to it for the same reasons I listen to Bolt Thrower, Suffocation, Sarcofago, Destruction, Morbid Angel, Dissection, Incantation, Repulsion, Dismember, Grave, Deicide, Autopsy, Carcass, The Chasm, Baphomet, Carnage, Utumno, Immolation, Bathory, Cenotaph, Unleashed, Regurgitation, Demigod, Adramelech, Convulse, Crematory, Demilich, Pestilence, Master, Demolition Hammer, Sinister, Sextrash, Sacrifice, Cartilage, Rottrevore, Therion, Sentenced, Disgorge (Mex and US), Torchure, Liers in Wait, God Macabre, Gorement, Epitaph, Gorguts, Crypt of Kerberos, Hellwitch, Absu, Exhumed, Sadus, etc. etc.

More power to slammers. I prefer death metal to be nuanced in its brutality, and when it sounds like the bands aren't trying too hard. Call me dense or in-crowd or whatever but that's my honest opinion on it.
My first couple of messages were in jest but you were looking for a fight per usual so it quickly turned into that.

Right I was looking for a fight by saying you like to finger asses and posting memes using your face lmfao I just can't help myself, I'm like Christopher Hitchens or something. :lol:

It turned into whatever this gay shit is because you got triggered that I used your face. Dumb cracker.

More power to slammers. I prefer death metal to be nuanced in its brutality, and when it sounds like the bands aren't trying too hard. Call me dense or in-crowd or whatever but that's my honest opinion on it.

I really don't care, you said 138 sounded better than Molesting the Decapitated even though the former has all the latter's tracks on it, you're an absolute brainlet.
Also, Ildjarn rules you fucking posers and I didn't need Omni to tell me that. I feel like the same people who hate Ildjarn also think Transilvanian Hunger is too lo-fi and have little to no exposure to lo-fi hardcore punk, noise, power electronics, and industrial. I'm not heavily into the latter three genres but Ildjarn is as catchy as it comes when it comes to what is basically anti-music black metal so you're a cum-guzzling pussy that needs to toughen up his ears if you can't stomach the production.