Battle Royale

You're the third friend who's mentioned something about this film, maybe I should watch it sometime. :p
I heard it was something like Unreal Tournament but with kids on an never got here,but I have contacts to get it
manuelgv said:
I heard it was something like Unreal Tournament but with kids on an island...

Basicly it's about a 9:th grade class who gets sent to an Island where they have to kill eachother, the 1 person left after 3 days get to go home.


Damn Frac, are you mentioning every good movie I know today?
Did this come out of nowhere or did you not watch the blackadder-box tonight/today?:D

But as he said, only slightly different: "Go watch that movie...NOW!"

It really is great, I'll go watching it again soon...
I read that Battle royale II was finished this year. I got a little scared when I read that the writer/director died earlier this year, but I've seen reviews for it so it should be finished.
Don't know where to find it, though.
Caelestia said:
now i really want to watch this.
Well...just do, it's not some feel-good movie but it's definitely one you, and everybody else, should see.
The story is actually really simple but it still makes you think.... And I didn't really like what I thought after I had seen it for the first time.