Eluvium's "An Accidental Case..." album moved me...Philip Glass's solo piano works...Primordial's "The Coffin Ships" and "The Dark Song"
yeah I was gonna mention some stuff by Dead Can Dance. i usually dont pay attention to the names of individual songs, though. i'm more of an album kind of guy

the last song off DCD's Spiritchaser is breathtaking
Mogwai's- Hunted By A Freak
Godspeed you black emperor- sleep, the first part of Static (best music ever)and Dead Flag Blues in particular
Gregor Samsa- self-titled EP
Imogen Heap- Speak For Yourself
Death Cab For Cutie- transatlantism-particularly the title track
Mum- awake/asleep on a train
Thursday- Full Collapse

The acoustic part at the very, very end of "Bergtatt - ind i Fjeldkamrene"
"The Misshapen Steed" by Agalloch
The dreamy part of "Der Tod Wuotans" by Burzum
Trylakos, fwiw that is my least favourite Death Cab album!

ok here's one: Nick Drake. Every song from Five Leaves Left and Pink Moon, and much of Bryter Layter.
shit on me...I forgot pretty much all of Tenhi and Harmaa's work. some of this blisteringly beautiful songs I've heard.