Beautiful Music


Dec 9, 2003
Holy shit, I just stumbled across this particular type of "percussive" acoustic guitar playing and this is some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard. I think it lends well particularly to people who like metal. If this has been posted here before, sorry, but it is worth posting for those who have never heard these guys....

This is perfect timing for me as I am getting sick of listening to so many metal bands do the same shit over and over....

These guys put so many musicians to shame. It makes me want to quit playing guitar and sell everything as I will never get to that level of playing or creativity...

Andy McKee



Justin King

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Yeah great stuff, love the flow of it.

Technique-wise though, I don't know if it's that original. I'm no expert on guitar playing but it seems like normal classical fingering to me. Compare that to some clips of Andres Segovia and I fail to see a significant difference. The percussive stuff isn't there, but that's been done before too.
Yeah great stuff, love the flow of it.

Technique-wise though, I don't know if it's that original. I'm no expert on guitar playing but it seems like normal classical fingering to me. Compare that to some clips of Andres Segovia and I fail to see a significant difference. The percussive stuff isn't there, but that's been done before too.

While that may be true, something about Andy Mckees songwriting just blows my mind. It's not often that I get this excited about music anymore, I am just enjoying this "new" stuff to me.... That Kylynn song is so amazing.
Andy McKee is fantastic but I feel people give him a little too much credit (Don't get me wrong he deserves a LOT but some people act like he's one of the greatest acoustic guitarists of all time when he's really just taking compositions from players like Michael Hedges to a new level of technicality)

I know in August Rush the Michael Hedges cover he does is just him faking playing over Kaki King's cover of the song.
Andy McKee deserves all the credit he gets. He performs a version of Toto's "Africa" that I enjoy better than the original (and I love the original). He can play the bass part, the guitar part and the vocal part all at the same time, and it sounds amazing.
Don't you mean "Rylynn"?

Yeah, sorry Im a noob:kickass:

Since this stuff is relatively new to me, Im not aware if people are hanging off their nuts/praising them too much like I am. I have already already been into flamenco for a few years and love that... this is just a new level. I play guitar and know that I would never come close to that finger picking ability, but I am still sure that there are people technically better than him out there. Something about his song writing though...
The fact that Andy McKee has 5x as many plays/listeners on as Michael Hedges is still criminal but wth I guess despite the fact that he's much older and more influential, I'm a fanboy.
Richard Gilewitz -Dirt to Dust

Antoine Dufour - Ashes in the Sea


Antoine Dufour - A Hiding Place for the Moon

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I saw Andy Mckee live a few months ago. He is such a cool, down to earth guy, cracking jokes the whole time, and playing his damn ass off!!! He also spoke a lot of Michael Hedges, and actually had a mini conversation with some audience members about Michael for a few minutes. It was clear how much of an inspiration Michael is to Andy, as he is to so, SO many others as well!!! It was a phenomenal show, and I will be an Andy Mckee fan for life!!!

Oh...and Antoine Dufour is just mad talented as well...check out "Funky Tonk Trio" from his album, Development :OMG: