Bed Of Razors appreciation thread


Apr 5, 2003
Wilkes-Barre, PA
This is the first song I ever heard by CoB, and at that point I had not heard anything quite like it. To this day it is still one of my favorite CoB songs and always will be. It also shows what Alexander's contributions to CoB were worth. We'll miss him!

Just remember: "In the bed of razors, we bleed...together!!"

Fucking metal. 'Nuff said.
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Four years ago when I was on pal talk under the name IcedEarth607 some dude requested me check out Children of Bodom if I loved metal.

So I went on scour exchange, napster was just done in at the time and scour was the next best thing for music. Searched Children of Bodom and the first song that caught my eye was Bed of Razors. I finally got it, and when I heard it my acctual facial reaction was :OMG:

Next was the live Silent Night Bodom Night, the rest is history from there.
My first was Northern Comfort... and it's still my favorite... my my, how songs can really make an impression on you.

Bed of Razors kicks some serious ass... I got into Bodom, first exploring the Follow the Reaper album and then Something Wild. I sort of overlooked the whole Hatebreeder album at first, but then I heart Bed of Razors and realized that there had to be some other good shit on that album... :D ... and there is.
My first was Children of Bodom. It is still my favorite. Then it must've been....Touch Like Angel of Death? Then I bought Hatebreeder :D

As for Bed of Razors, it is just so bloody awesome! It's the only CoB-song I can play on guitar (at 3/4 speed). It is on my top ten CoB-list, I guess. I'm not gonna write one now.
snbn was my first. that kind of death metal was so melodic my face turned red..
everyone hated it but i loved it..
than i heard bed of razors
maaan what a tune.. probably one of the best metal songs ever made