been on a Death kick lately

One of the best ever. Human and Individual Thought Patterns all the way for me.
Everything up as far as Human for me. ITP would be the best of the remainder. Death Metal in general lost its magic post '93. Chuck was the Godfather of DM (even though he said in countless interviews that Possessed held that accolade), amazing visionary/musician and passionate about all aspects of metal. There'll never be anyone like that again.
Been on a major Death buzz myself lately too, must be the anticipation of the new Obscura album and Human remix.
Do not want Human remix. Will be interesting to hear how shitty they make it sound though.
To me, Death, and Chuck himself, have been a huge influence not only in music but in life as well. Death will always be one of, if not my favourite band and will do my best to make sure Chuck's name is known and never forgotten, especially since my country is small and the metal scene miniscule.

Human remix? Hmm, not sure I want that; but in hindsight, the bass can't be fully appreciated on that album, and I'd love to hear the instruments more clearly so I can make out Reinert's genius more accurately. As Gareth is saying however, this could sound totally garbage, so I'm sceptical. Masterpieces should be left untouched.
I am listening to Death for the first time, album of choice was Leprosy as a friend said that it's "one of the most important Death Metal albums of all time". Because I don't have a "history" with the band, I kinda don't hear what the big deal is with this band. If this was "not the best album choice to start with", then which one do you suggest? They have Human, Individual Thought Patterns, Leprosy, Scream Bloody Gore, The Sound of Perseverance and Symbolic on Spotify.
I am listening to Death for the first time, album of choice was Leprosy as a friend said that it's "one of the most important Death Metal albums of all time". Because I don't have a "history" with the band, I kinda don't hear what the big deal is with this band. If this was "not the best album choice to start with", then which one do you suggest?

Individual thought patterns, Human, Sound of that order


Absolutely magical :worship:
I am listening to Death for the first time, album of choice was Leprosy as a friend said that it's "one of the most important Death Metal albums of all time". Because I don't have a "history" with the band, I kinda don't hear what the big deal is with this band. If this was "not the best album choice to start with", then which one do you suggest? They have Human, Individual Thought Patterns, Leprosy, Scream Bloody Gore, The Sound of Perseverance and Symbolic on Spotify.

Out of all the stuff I've heard, I tend to lean towards Symbolic.....maybe it's because it's the album that I've heard/remember the most?

These guys basically started death metal. Maybe part of the reason they are considered so "epic" is because of Chucks death?
What, so you're saying good music gets better in people's minds because their guitarist kicked the bucket?

No, not saying that.

People like Hendrix, Cobain, etc....guys that basically are immortal after they die. I'm in no way saying that the music is better BECAUSE he died. It gives me the chills listening to it, and I guess maybe it strikes me at heart a bit harder knowing what happened.

Maybe a sense of timeless-ness or something. Sorry if that last post came off as rude or wrong sounding, I didn't mean it to be offensive at all.
No worries in that case \o/
But eh, I dunno. I guess it depends on the person. I listen to Death because I enjoy their music, Chuck's death doesn't factor into it much for me personally, but I can totally see what you mean, and as far as tragic deaths of incredible musicians go, Chuck's up there.
Yes man, exactly. I realized it right away when I was like 12 years old and listening to Nirvana for the first time.....just knowing that Kurt passed just made the albums impact me in a way that other stuff didnt.

Anyone know any info on the amps they used? It's tough finding any sort of information online. Mystical dragon slaying fuckers.....

EDIT: Wiki says Marshall Valvestate and B.C. Rich.
Chuck used one of the old Marshall Valvestates (the 8100 I think.) Those fuckers rule. I damn near nailed Human's tone with my AVT.
I'm excited to hear the bass pulled up in Human. They should remix And Justice For All... while they're at it.