Peanut Butter.

The amount of times i've nearly died from eating peanut butter is just too high to remember.
I spread the smooth PB on my toast so thick it ends up just clogging up my throat until my throat starts spazzing out. its brutal but i keep going back to it
Big fan as well. Fluffernutter (Fluff + peanut butter) was great too...Haha, you Euros probably don't have Fluff, but it's basically spreadable marshmallow in a jar.
I must admit, I like the fake stuff ala Skippy. Natural stuff ain't bad though.

I can't fully trust creamy peanut butter. At least the crunchy stuff fights back...

I won't go anywhere near Skippy because a few years back there were advertisements for 'Skippy Squeeze' that made me want to kill every child on the planet. It was a bunch of children with whiny voices and no sense of shame jumping about and screaming about 'squeezing the Skippingiest squeeze' or something equally fuckheaded. Some sort of tube or pouch makes far more sense to me than the obnoxiously-shaped jars the supermarket stuff comes in (do you *really* want me wasting enough peanut butter to make a proper sandwich because you don't think I'll have the patience to scrape down the sides and bottom? You're wrong...) but the fuckers in marketing made it look like one of the stupidest ideas imaginable and - once again - children ruined *everything*.

Cashew and almond butter are also great, but they have to be paired with jam more carefully and they're harder to find. Nothing quite beats grinding your own peanut butter (2kg peanuts, 25ml peanut oil, 8-10ml honey, a few pinches of salt) - or blends, for that matter - and you can save the hassle of trying to pronounce ridiculously complicated names in the ingredient list.

put peanut butters on your testicle and let the dog lick it.
ps: you have to close your eyes and pretend its a hot chick for it to work.