Been to every single PPUSA?

Didn't know about 1 and found out about 2 only a few weeks prior to it. As a broke and busy music major in college, traveling across the country by myself for a multi-day metal festival in a (then) unfamiliar city was completely and utterly out of the question. I spent those few weeks dreaming and lamenting about being there. I must have opened my mouth to the right person because I discovered some of my friends also liked prog and power metal. Over the course of the next year, the 3 of us (Erik Langerak, Of The Borg, and myself) managed to make the trip.

We drove there and back, they stayed in the Days Inn (iirc) and I stayed with a friend. Months before, I met a person online (I forget where/what site) who lived in Woodstock, GA. We chatted about music and I told him that I was going to this festival in Atlanta. He said, "No way, really? I already have tickets - I'm going too!" I stayed at his place in Woodstock for III and IV instead of at the hotels.

I've attended every year since III, sometimes by the hair of my chin, and sometimes with the help of generous friends and/or family. I'm thankful that I've been able to make it since ProgPower has been instrumental in bringing my husband and I together :-)

PPUSA X was absolutely fabulous, but nothing beats the raw excitement of those early years when PP was a new, and sometimes difficult to make it to, experience. I really had to work for it, and I had so many friends who didn't know about it that I could bring along. Things are different now, but I love ProgPower more than ever! Unless something unfortunate happens, I'll never miss another!

Oh yeah - I can't remember how I found out about PP! I know it was online, that much is certain, but I don't know what led me to the website. Maybe a banner ad somewhere? Maybe a search for a band? I really wish I could remember, but so much has happened between now and then. I can't believe it's been almost a decade now!
Well, as Jax knows, my hubby Kevin (a.k.a. Smak) and I have been to them all! For those who don't know, he and I met at the first PP (awwwwww!). :D

Long story short, I heard about it on the Fates Warning mailing list. I had been listening to Symphony X a lot at the time, so I thought it would be cool to see them (I hadn't heard of any of the other bands). SymX rocked, of course, and I also discovered and fell in love with Evergrey.

A cool thing was that the company I worked for at the time flew me out to Chicago to attend a workshop at their headquarters in Itasca a few days before. I asked if they could change my return flight from Friday to Sunday so I could stay for the festival, and they said no problem. It was meant to be. :)

Well, as Jax knows, my hubby Kevin (a.k.a. Smak) and I have been to them all! For those who don't know, he and I met at the first PP (awwwwww!). :D

I knew! :) Kevin and I drove to the first one from Lansing, MI. Hell, we probably could have picked up Tammy on the way, if she'd known about it, and if we'd known about *her*. :lol:
progpower 6 is when i first heard about it through a friend
i've only been to progpower 9 but hope to come back soon
Nick and I have come every year since ProgPower V (Savatage/Weapons of Mass Destruction, Edguy, Kamelot, Brainstorm, Tad Marose, Wuthering Heights, Pain of Salvation, Dreamscape, Adagio, Into Eternity, Hurricane Ivan).

Nick and a friend he worked with heard about ProgPower because of the Savatage reunion show and Brainstorm. By the end of that weekend, he and I made the vow that we would never miss a future ProgPower as long as we lived. :rock:
Not that it makes too much of a difference, but since others were mentioning it I thought I'd mention that we've been Gold Badge holders since PP VIII.

We had heard that the waiting list was crazy long and had been keeping our eyes on the forum for a spot to open up ever since we found out about the additional privileges during our first year. It eventually worked out that another forum member (John ... can't remember his last name :erk: ... THANK YOU!!!) was not just selling his gold badges for that single year, but was selling his 2 spots on the list with full rights and privileges for future gold badges. It was the opportunity Nick and I had been waiting for and soon was a done deal. Best metal related purchase I ever made!

Someday we'd love to be sponsors if we could scrape enough money together. Nick always said he'd love to be a sponsor for Nocturnal Rights, but it seems that boat has now sailed.