Been to every single PPUSA?

Missed 1 and 2 because i didn't know about it. My friend Raymond(who passed away this year), owned Avatar records in Radcliff and was a HUGE fan of Progpower told me about Progpower III about 3 weeks before the show, but it was a little too late notice for me to attend. Went to PPUSA IV and I haven't missed since. Gold Badger since PPUSAVII and counting.
Sadly, the number of folks who've attended every single PPUSA are dwindling every how many of us are there left now?

Nope. I've been attending since 2005 though. :kickass::rock:

Bonus question: How did you hear about PPUSA? Anyone can answer this one. :)

Heard about it from my friend Steve (SkiBumMSP) who found out that Stratovarius was playing at PP VI in 2005. We never thought we'd be able to see them in the US (we later saw them on tour a couple of years later) so we decided to go to PP USA. The rest, as they say, is history. :goggly:
My husband (ghostofwinter/Jimmy) has attended all PPUSAs that have been in Atlanta.... so, that's II thru X. I asked him how he heard of it..... he can't remember-- he's getting old!

This trip will be my third! I hated this music for the loooongest time! But I am truly a fan now!
Last year was my first year, but I'm willing to bet I'll be at all future ones. How I learned about it is at the time of 2006 I was really into Epica and I heard they were going to be there and it seemed like a really well run festival. The reason I didn't attend until last year simply was because I was a college student and didn't have the funds.

Okay to be quite fair I probably shouldn't of gone this year due to being laid off, but I sold a good majority of my dvds and WII and 360 to go. Seriously! I've been to so many shows I've lost count, but this by far is the best organized and run festival I've ever gone to period.
And to answer the other question: I first learned of "ProgPower 2.0" through BW&BK; I remember thinking it was odd that I heard about this festival happening locally by reading the announcement on a Canadian web site :lol:

Speaking of 2.0, I found this blast from the past while digging through the closet:



My personal favorite PPUSA to date, its was one of the best shows I have ever seen, and worked L :) Every band was so on fire that year it was ridiculous!!!

Wish i had been to all of them like i've been to all the PP festivals here in Europe (both holland and scandinavia).

However i have been to PPusa 1, 3, 4 and 5 and the chances of returning next year are looking good :).

I heard about PPusa at the PM board and i'm extremely happy i've been to the first one in Lansing, the best PP experience of all the 17 i've attende sofar.


I remember meeting you at PPUSA 1 and thinking damn I am small next to these freaking huge ass Dutch people :goggly: and I am 6' 1"

Been to everyone but PP3, which I missed due to horrible personal issues at the time.

I attended Powermad 98-00. I lived in CA then. After that, I moved to Baltimore, and now live not too far from the old Powermad Pancake Hall (which was always my name for the place). The awesome BBQ place is still in the parking lot, and I occasionally go over there for food!

I remember many, many people sitting around at Powermad saying how they could put on a better festival (which, to be fair, my cats could probably organize and run a show better than Powermad. But that's a whole other story). Glenn was the one that took the challenge and put a show together, and that first PP is still ranks up there with one of the best weekends of music ever, especially the Pain Of Salvation set.

Jax and I have often talked about how we used to recognize almost everyone that came to the festival, which doesn't happen now. This is good, I suppose, as it's cool that so many people have found out about the festival over the years. There are many people that I see year after year but have never talked to, as I'm just not really good at talking to people I don't know. Likely because I'm boring! But seriously, if you see a guy with a Theme Park Review coaster tour shirt on and/or carrying Ice Bat, that will be me. So say "hello" or something.

I've been a sponsor since PP5 or so, and greatly enjoy the show every year. I gave up a trip to China this year in favor of PP, as it's the one thing every year that I will not skip. See you all in a few days...

I live in Atlanta but was oblivious of the festival until a few days after PP3. My timing has always sucked.

Gold badged PP4, sponsored 5-8, working for Glenn since last year.
We heard about the first ProgPower but were brand newlyweds and in the process of moving from MA to MI and there was NO WAY that was in the budget.

Stupid budgets.

I haven't missed one since that and after last minute OMG GOTTA GO, I hope to never miss one. The husband missed one because his stupid brother got married the same weekend... he sent me to PP without him. Is he a great man or what?! :notworthy

Also, if anyone wants to tell my boss that she should let me out of work on Friday, please let me know! ;)