Been to every single PPUSA?

Missed the first one, because I was completely unaware of it. This will be nine in a row for the wife and I.

Ditto for me... missed the first one unfortunately but have been going ever since. I heard about it through Britt and/or Zod over on the Queensrÿche newsgroup, despite my being the Atlanta area resident. :)

I know Jim (locust - something or other) has been to every one, and I think Paul Cashman has as well.
I've been since 3... I was completely unaware of the first two. I heard about it from a friend who had gone to 2, but neglected to mention it to me... ggrrrr....
damnit!!! I was at 1, on the crew for 2, was at 3, missed 4 which sucked for me so bad, was at 5 & 6, Sponsor for Freak Kitchen at 7, missed 8 again, sucked!!! was there last year and will be there in full force this year!!!!

Well there is a great story about how Prog Power USA came together in an e-mail from Glenn on the Seismic Radio e-mail list, that is how I heard about it and went to PPUSA 1 and the rest is history, maybe Glenn will elaborate?

Been to them all -- including the legendary Chicago show !!!! One of the best shows I've ever been to - and one of the more personal ones for me as well......

Here's hoping we're all still here talking about ProgPower XX !!!!!
PPUSA I was indeed legendary, Larry!

Kinda funny to look back to before PPUSA, when we were all just hangin' out at Tall Cedars wondering what band was playing next & eating that awesome BBQ, back when Glenn was just another fan & Ken Golden had only collected a few thousand souls *g*..seems like a lifetime ago.
Well there is a great story about how Prog Power USA came together in an e-mail from Glenn on the Seismic Radio e-mail list, that is how I heard about it and went to PPUSA 1 and the rest is history, maybe Glenn will elaborate?


The story is archived in the interview that Bill (Purple Crayon Writer) did with me for his site. It's the longest one I have ever done.
Sadly, the number of folks who've attended every single PPUSA are dwindling every how many of us are there left now?

My first one was the Stratovarius/Angra/Therion one (5?). Did not even know about this until then. Damn shame I did not now about the PowerMad that was just right there in Baltimore. At that time of the original PowerMad shows, I was just getting into the whole power/prog scene (after getting so fed up with the crap that was constantly being shoveled down our throats via the radio. Needed to find music that I actually enjoyed and not something to just listen to because it was there and that was what the radio/major record labels felt we needed to listen to.) Thank God for the internet to allow me to discover many of these bands, as I sure as hell would've never known about them via the mainstream channels, ala FM radio, MTV, etc.

Bonus question: How did you hear about PPUSA? Anyone can answer this one. :)

As I mentioned above, I was just getting into the whole prog/power thing and it got to the point that I would actually like to see some of these bands actually perform, not just simply listening to the CDs or whatever I managed to find on the old website back in the heyday. (where I originally found some Blind Guardian tracks as well as some of the old DragonForce when they were still DragonHeart, not to mention others (If I recall, I've also gotten some Amorphus tracks off of there as well back in the day). As an aside, I remember having people tell me they don't bother with because they only had "no name bands" that "must not be any good because they are not played on the radio". I told them that just because a band was not on the radio had nothing to do with how good they are and in fact, I'd be willing to put many of these bands up against just about anything heard on the radio. But I digress.....

First, it was finding about Sonata Arctica playing at Jaxx (never even knew I had this totally kick-ass metal club not even 45 minutes from my house!) After that, I was jonesing for more, so I started "googling" up bands and tour dates. Found about Stratovarius, Angra, and Therion playing at this "ProgPowerUSA" thing in Atlanta. I was at the time thinking "Damn, that is in Atlanta, thus somewhat of a hike, plus those tickets are kinda pricey, but holy shit, I'd love to see all those bands". I made a mention to Dave (Diamond45) while working out at the gym, as he was, at the time, really starting to take a serious interest in my taste of music (guessing he was also getting fed up with the vapid and banal, not to mention very stale, music that was constantly being played via FM radio and such). We both are huge Rush fans, thus it was natural to find more music of similar vain, especially something a bit more modern and, shall I say? ... fresh? Not only that, but I wanted to find music again like the old Ronny James Dio, Iron Maiden and so forth that I used to like listening to back in the High School days.

I was actually quite surprised that Dave also wanted to come to Atlanta with me to go to this ProgPower thing. I did warn him that it was not going to be cheap, but he really wanted to go. Next thing we knew, tickets were purchased (thank god as that was the one that sold out in like three days?), plane flights and hotel booked. In the end, actually glad he did come, as that not only helped cut the cost of lodging, but just something so cool to find a friend that has the same interest and want to do something with.

Now, fast forward some 4 years or so later, and now we are friggan helping to SPONSER the damn thing! Like they say. The rest is now history. :rock: Well, I guess if I gotta get hooked on something (besides skiing), this is it, plus it is much safer than drugs anyway! :goggly: Also an aside, saw Stratovarius again that monday right after the ProgPower at Jaxx, especially as I really did not plan to go since I saw them already. Glad I did, as I could not believe getting to hang out with them like I did.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, but that is basically the story of how I got into this and how I found about ProgPowerUSA.
I've had tickets to all of them, but have missed two and will miss this one, also, because of work. Missed 2002 due to attending USAF Officer Training School, missed 2007 due to being in Iraq, and will miss 2009 due to spending a few weeks in a country bordering the Persian Gulf :-)

Since I was at the Powermads of the late 90s, it was only logical to go to Prog Power.
I've had tickets to all of them, but have missed two and will miss this one, also, because of work. Missed 2002 due to attending USAF Officer Training School, missed 2007 due to being in Iraq, and will miss 2009 due to spending a few weeks in a country bordering the Persian Gulf :-)

Since I was at the Powermads of the late 90s, it was only logical to go to Prog Power.

Kickin' it OLD SCHOOL! Watsup witchyo bad self?!?

Hey Kevin, can you believe it's been this long since PowerMad, and drama, and meeting people for the first time that you've only chatted with via ICQ or IRC!! :goggly:

I've been a Gold Badge holder for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, bought a Gold Badge but was unable to attend 9, and I'll be at 10 (LESS THAN 4 DAYS!!) and hopefully 11 for (hopefully) Seventh Wonder (I'll be in the front row, btw:rock:).

As with Kevin above, I attended the PowerMad festivals just north of Baltimore in '99 and '00, and met a crew of fantastic people that had similar odd taste in music like me. I vowed long ago to TRY never to miss this fest, because Glenn does it better than ANYONE else, and he deserves my support.

And I originally met these people over the internet as a result of my participation in the Ytsejam mailing list back in the day, and I've been dabbling in internet DJ'ing for over a decade now (I'm still at the SeismicRadio that Bear mentioned above, Friday NIghts, 10PM EDT)

This is my getaway weekend (almost) every year, because my wife (of just more than 25 years) is an angel and allows me to attend (like she has a she's thinking SHE wants to attend, but she doesn't like the music.....hmmmm:erk:).

Anyway, that's my story. Come up a say "HI" now that you know me. My picture is over in the "Forum Poster" thread.

I've had tickets to all of them, but have missed two and will miss this one, also, because of work. Missed 2002 due to attending USAF Officer Training School, missed 2007 due to being in Iraq, and will miss 2009 due to spending a few weeks in a country bordering the Persian Gulf :-)

Since I was at the Powermads of the late 90s, it was only logical to go to Prog Power.

Sorry you have had to miss three PPs, but thank you for your service! :notworthy

This will be my first PP. I heard about it a few years ago, not even sure where. But I heard about it well after tix were sold out. Then the next year I looked into it far too late. But the third time's the charm. Started looking into it in January and bought my tix day one.
I've heard about it around PP 5 after listening to various prog Internet radio stations and then googling the bands to find tour dates. Then almost went to 6 and 7, but couldn't get someone to make the trip. Found someone to go for 8 and immediately got on the gold badge list. So 8 was the first, then a gold badge holder last year and this year, and going solo 2 of 3 nights this year even though I have two gold badges to my name.
Been to them all -- including the legendary Chicago show !!!! One of the best shows I've ever been to - and one of the more personal ones for me as well......

Here's hoping we're all still here talking about ProgPower XX !!!!!

Ditto all of these comments for me too.

Kinda funny to look back to before PPUSA, when we were all just hangin' out at Tall Cedars wondering what band was playing next & eating that awesome BBQ, back when Glenn was just another fan & Ken Golden had only collected a few thousand souls *g*..seems like a lifetime ago.

Don't forget... reading all the typos on the Powermad festival merchandise and laughing our asses off. "Who's playing on Staturday???" :)