Been to every single PPUSA?

Holy smokes I remember October Thorns. Jofu the drummer whats he in now I think Zandelle. I saw October Thorns with Sym X waaaaay back at some Bike Shop in NJ. Was one of the coolest yet strangest shows I've ever witnessed.

I heard about PPUSA around the time of PPUSA III. I was a big fan of both Vanden Plas, and Edguy. I had tickets, and then the whole 9-11 thing happned and me and the person I was going to travel with got cold feet due to several reasons.

Then of course PPUSA IV saw the debut of my good friends Pagan's Mind, and there was no way I was missing that. Have been at PPUSA IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, missed IX, and will return at X.
James and I missed the first one in Chicago, but have been to every one since then; and am assuming that the tradition will carry on as
long as the fest does...... :)
I'm a Powermad 2000 alum. I can't remember if I was *unaware* of PP1 until after it happened or there was some reason why I couldn't go - I think it was the latter. But I went to 2, missed 3, then went to 4-5-6. Then I had *other* groups of faraway friends who wanted my presence for a couple years...
I've been to every single one since PP6.

I had heard of ProgPower before I went, but for some reason I didn't realize it was in Atlanta. I worked with a guy who had gone to several ProgPowers and by chance he found out I listened to metal and invited me to go. And the rest is history. I don't plan on missing any more ProgPowers.
I have had 2 gold badges since the first pp. I herd about it because Ive been a Symphony X fan since 98. Found out they were doing a show in the Chicagoland area and I was all over that! What a great show it was. I will never give up my original gold badge status...Now I use the first part of the week to visit my parents in Florida then drive up to Atl on Wed. Thanks again to Glenn for giving me something to plan for every year!!!!
I have had 2 gold badges since the first pp. I herd about it because Ive been a Symphony X fan since 98. Found out they were doing a show in the Chicagoland area and I was all over that! What a great show it was. I will never give up my original gold badge status...Now I use the first part of the week to visit my parents in Florida then drive up to Atl on Wed. Thanks again to Glenn for giving me something to plan for every year!!!!

Glad to hear I'll see you this year!! :rock:
I've been to all of em. The first one was an adventure to get to since I had finished school but didn't have a job yet. Big props to Paul Cashman for helping me hide some of the expenses from my parents until after the show ;). Heard about the first because I've known Glenn for about 12 years now from the PM board and when my parents lived in Rome. I still remember going to his house for the first time on one of my visits home from college and having him play Lanfear's Zero Poems for me. To this day its still one of my all time favorite albums.
Wish i had been to all of them like i've been to all the PP festivals here in Europe (both holland and scandinavia).

However i have been to PPusa 1, 3, 4 and 5 and the chances of returning next year are looking good :).

I heard about PPusa at the PM board and i'm extremely happy i've been to the first one in Lansing, the best PP experience of all the 17 i've attended sofar.

...i had never heard of progpower until lek mentioned it the year of pp then it was too late to go so we went the next year and have been going ever since...
it's also been great to have gotten to finally meet peeps from the old savatage message board... :)
Or Joe Stump's Rein of Terror :D

Are you sure it wasn't Overlorde, performing "The Snow Gaint"? :)

...i had never heard of progpower until lek mentioned it the year of pp then it was too late to go so we went the next year and have been going ever since...
it's also been great to have gotten to finally meet peeps from the old savatage message board... :)

That's funny, because we used to talk about ProgPower on that very same Savatage Board... *poke poke*
Well, this one will be my first. I'm not sure exactly where I heard about this... I think it was probably a few years ago, after Nightwish played.
hopefully 11 for (hopefully) Seventh Wonder (I'll be in the front row, btw:rock:).

I'll be right there with ya!

I've been coming since 7. Heard about it through Evergrey's website when they were playing the fest that year, and combined it in with a trip to FL.

Had never heard of the fest before that, which is understandable as I had just started discovering that good music still did exist from hearing it on Internet radio. I was hooked on PP and have been going ever since and don't plan to stop!
I've been to every ProgPower, and nothing short of death will keep me from missing this event. I also attended the last three Powermad festivals (1999-2001). I heard about Powermad in 1998 after meeting this really cool lady at a Lynch Mob concert in Chicago. Oddly enough, she had been living in Chicago for seven years at the time, but she was moving to the east coast in about a month. We had exchanged mailing addresses, and she sent me a bunch of tapes of all of these cool bands whom I previously never knew to exist. Among those tapes, I heard Angra, Conception, Dreamscape, Edguy, Kamelot, Pain Of Salvation, Stratovarius, Vanden Plas, and Zero Hour for the first time. I knew enough of the cock rock bands, the shredding instrumental guitar heroes, and the classic metal bands, but my two favorite bands have always been Dream Theater and Fates Warning. Up until I met my pen pal, I couldn't find any other bands that reminded me of my all-time favorites. It was a thrill for me to be turned onto so many great bands!

This friend of mine had told me about Powermad 1998 about a month or two before it took place. Being 17 at the time and figuring it would be hard to convince my parents to let me take time off of school to go to Baltimore for a weekend of bands that nobody in this country has ever heard (not to mention having very limited funds), I opted not to go that year. However, I swore that if the fest was running in 1999 that I would attend. I kept my promise to myself, and I'm glad I did. Powermad was a haphazardly run show to say the least, but I'll be damned if it wasn't a blast every year.

Fast forward to the end of 2000: I'm working at an independent music store, and someone puts up a flyer about a festival taking place in February of 2001 featuring a whole bunch of bands I've been dying to see. The best part of it all was that it was being held at a bar located a half-hour drive away from my house! How could I pass that up? Unfortunately, that bar happened to be J.J. Kelley's, a place I where I had tried to see shows in the past but was denied access due to being underage. I didn't care about drinking. I just wanted to see the bands! I never understood why every band I wanted to see at the time played 21 and over shows. Needless to say, I was one sadly disappointed 19-year-old kid.

Then I saw a major lineup change for the fest: Nevermore (one of two bands on the bill I actually didn't care to see) was replaced by Symphony X! Symphony fucking X! I had heard about them after they released "Twilight In Olympus," and I had been eating up their music like a fat man at Old Country Buffett for the next two years. At the time, these guys had never played anywhere in this country outside of New Jersey. To Hell with the 21 and over rule! I was going to buy a ticket and cross my fingers. After all, even if I was turned away, I simply wanted to support a festival that was bringing my favorite bands together in hopes that there would be future ones that I'd be guaranteed to attend. There wasn't much time left, so I sent my payment through express mail hoping the show hadn't sold out. Thankfully, Glenn responded quickly, telling me that though the show was sold out, he would keep a spot open for me for sending my payment so fast. The excitement was building up.

Come the first day of the fest, I was nervous as hell. I just waited in line and tried to play it cool. As it turned out, J.J. Kelley's didn't have their usual doorman checking IDs. Instead, Glenn was at the door, and he was merely checking IDs to cross the names off of his list. I was in! To this day, that show stands out as the best concert I've ever seen. Sure, I've been to better venues (Center Stage being the best), but there was just this magic surrounding that weekend's event. It was such a great combination of bands, the likes of which had never been seen in this country before. Add to the fact that it was held in such a small club to such a small but mighty crowd, and you have one of the most memorable moments of a young man's life. For having had that experience when state laws normally would have prevented me from enjoying it, and for being allowed to attend when the show had already sold out, I pledged my undying allegiance to Glenn.

Since that milestone event, I've brought as many people into the fold as possible each year. Some of my friends have attended one or two fests, whereas others have attended every year since their first, and all of them leave each year telling me it's the best show they've seen all year. I currently hold three gold badges, and they never go unused.

On a final note, I have another reason to thank Glenn. If it wasn't for this festival, Dustin Mitchell would never have heard me sing, and thus, I would never have been given the opportunity to join Katagory V. After working on my vocal chops from the age of 14, I finally found a band that suits me perfectly.

Glenn, I hope you can keep this festival going for years to come. I know the current economic status is delivering quite a blow to you, but I'd like to think that fest is merely down and not out. As long as this fest runs, come Hell or high water, I'll be there with an oversized concert shirt and short jean shorts on. Thanks again!

Stay metal. Never rust.
James and I missed the first one in Chicago, but have been to every one since then; and am assuming that the tradition will carry on as
long as the fest does...... :)

And to answer the other question: I first learned of "ProgPower 2.0" through BW&BK; I remember thinking it was odd that I heard about this festival happening locally by reading the announcement on a Canadian web site :lol:

Speaking of 2.0, I found this blast from the past while digging through the closet:

