Been watching the 11-9 anniversary


Multis Periculis Supersum
Aug 31, 2001
α Piscium
I couldn't watch it anymore, so decided to post something here, just to put my mind at ease...and share.
It still makes me upset, to watch all the emotion and grief again.
People, torn apart from the loss of a family, lover or friend, it's just heartrending. I just can't get the point of war and terrorism, it makes me sick to see all the damage it causes. Even here, the tension grows, when it comes to moslim and other religions..and effects me too. If peace would just work for a change, so we all wouldn't have to live in insecurity, wondering when the next "enemy of reality" stands up............

xxx Iris xxx
Dreamer huh?!?! ;)

I'm not watching TV for that reason. How irresponsible it is that the media sensationalize the situation. To drag and force people to re-live the events, like they would of forgotten. Media should be asamed (sp?) Focus on the positive stuff, like the stories of the policemen, firemen, soldiers, 9/11 babies, the man found a year after he was thought dead etc etc. When you let yourself be dragged down then you let terrorist win.
I told myself I wouldn't watch any of it but then what do you expect, today just happens to be the first day we have CNN coverage in the office.
for new york the most international city in the world to have suffered that attack, when probably people from almost every nation were in those buildings, this wasn't just an attack on the US but the entire world.
unfortunately Iris your hope for peace working I'm afraid is never going to happen, its kind of against human nature, there will always be megalomaniacs who wish to bend the whole world to their will. but bless you for your thoughts.
Paula Zahn is hot as hell, but what an airhead! she's sitting there and says, "well, the scene here certainly looks different than a year ago..."
Peace and out.
ok, you got a point there. Speaking about 11-9 collegue had a baby-girl today! So, there are positive things on this day! But i just couldn't bare it anymore, that's why i came here to post something. And like i said, it's not just today that i think back on what happend, i notice the change it caused almost every day, that's why i said that if effects me too.
And yes, i'm a dreamer..i guess it's the "pisces" in me ;)

xxx Iris xxx
Thnx, Lizard, it was meant that way...although i know I'M the one playing the enemy of reality, by saying that ;)

xxx Iris xxx
Originally posted by Iris

And yes, i'm a dreamer..i guess it's the "pisces" in me ;)

I'm a Pisces,too...but I've given up on dreaming.
I haven't been watching any of that stuff...I don't watch much tv.The only thing special that was going on in school today was that the announcements were during first mod and there was all of that remberence stuff and we said the pledge during first mod instead of during homeroom.I was listening to DNB on the rides to and from school and I thought that "Beyond Within" is a pretty appropriate song for the events of the day,one yr.ago,that we are remembering.
I'm with Weapon X, media sensationolizes everything. Yes, I'm all for a memorial and my deepest sympathies go out to all those families affected by the 9/11 tragedy, but the media will run this "situation" into the ground. It's like someone who keeps poking at a fire with a stick to keep the fire burning. Like I said, I'm all for a tribute but I don't think "the media" should keep showing painful memories of the planes crashing into the two towers or people jumping out of windows to their death. Have a tribute, memorial, whatever, but do it tastefully and ith respect.
The media has sucked out all my sympathy for it. My apathy does go beyond that, but I don't want to be an asshole so I won't go into it.
I've been linked up to's live stream all day and I haven't seen any pics of the planes yet. The memorials were incredible. They also have family members talking about lost family members. It's done very tasteful so far. If you haven't caught any of the memorials I would at least check the news tonite to see parts of it.
I've said it before, and i will say it again:
I hope the child in me will never die..that's why i keep on dreaming!

xxx Iris xxx

xxx Iris xxx
(uhm...btw, pisces too? haha)
I wouldn't be surprized at all! A lot of people i have met throught the board on in #dnb and like/ love Nevermore, are pisces!!!
Aida and i even share the same date of birth!!!
The media likes to devise little pet names for things. Like the day it happened, they all would play thier serious sounding music and show the words "AMERICA UNDER ATTACK". Then, in the spirit of the English language, they develop a euphenism for the event: 9-11. Both nine-eleven and nine-one-one like the emergency number. How clever =/ English speaking people (Americans in general, unfortunately) love euphenisms. We cant say "terrorist attacks" or "when they destroyed the WTC", we have to say "nine-one-one" or "nine-eleven". Whatever.

We need to remember, we need to mourn, and we need to see those images again. At what cost though? Obviously, it was and still is a media spectacle.

One thing that really pissed me off was that they showed the documentary 9|11 on CBS last night (the one filmed by the French brothers from inside the WTC), and it was FUCKING SPONSORED by Nextel. WTF!??!? You need a corporate sponsor to air something like that? Oh gee Nextel is such a good corporate citizen for sponsoring this I should go buy 13 of their cellphones.