Been wondering about this...


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2010
Okay,VERY long time lurker,only registered 5 minutes ago.Will introduce myself in a decent way in the proper thread.But i have a question(one that has been bugging me for quite some time)for the all knowing people here :worship:

I've been listening to quite some Technical death metal lately.But i wonder when people categorise bands as such?I mean,when i listen to Terminal Function,Necrophagist or The Faceless(only to name a few)i certainly hear why they are called technical.Other bands like Jack Slater or Brain Drill,i really cannot hear the same kind of "wankery" as the first 3 bands.Still people call them technical...Anyone care to explain?

Thanks in advance:loco:
You can't hear the wankery in Braindrill? You probably forgot to press play.

No i haven't forgotten to press play...I just can't hear why people call them technical and in the same sentence with bands as Necrophagist,Theory in Practice,Martyr etc.Besides,you didn't answer my question:heh:
How can you not hear any wank in Brain Drill? They're pretty much made out of guitar masturbation.

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Brain Drill's lead guitarist is extreme technicality incarnate.
Maybe the most technical I've ever heard in death metal... (the band is okay)
Djeezes,you guys are a difficult crowd.Brain Drill was a friggin EXAMPLE,i was trying to ask when people categorise a band as technical while they usually sound as a standard death metal band.When you look at MA,and you use the term "Technical death metal" as a genre search,you'll find 577 bands.Most of them are not even as technical as Necrophagist,The Faceless and the likes.So WHY are they technical then?
Technical Death Metal is a term used for death metal that is technical. Brain Drill is technical, therefore it fits. o_0 Maybe if you could point out certain bands, it would help.

I personally think majority of tech death has resorted to an inorganic synthetic production and incoherent song writing.