Beers You Would like to See at Heathen Crusade

Henrich Reissdorf - Kölsch, Hofbräu, Spaten......................

How about some belgian ales (8.5% alc) such as lucifer, or Duvel (750mL bottles)
I'd say some killer Ales...

Black Sheep
Golden Pride
(Climb Thar Hills list)

Get the Sam Smith Extra Stout instead of Guiness. It's cheaper and tastes better.
I'd say some killer Ales...

Black Sheep
Golden Pride
(Climb Thar Hills list)

Get the Sam Smith Extra Stout instead of Guiness. It's cheaper and tastes better.

Black Sheep and Hobgoblin, tasty brews they are. And Hobgoblin has one of the best posters ever... "What's a matter, lagerboy, afraid you might taste something?"
Holy fuck if HCIII took place at a location that was into serving top notch beer it'd make the fest all that much better :kickass:

But really, the beers on tap would have to be Weizen's, Witbier's, Pale Ale's, or IPA's.

Stouts and Porters would get ya too full and bloated for a continuous night of boozing. With that said, the Pale Ale's and IPA's would be the best route.
I made the mistake of drinking down 2 pints of pirrat last night followed by shots of GM and American Honey (very good stuff I must add). My head's finally better :)

IPA's are hard to beat. Usually on the 7-8% ABV and light enough to drink all night. Stouts and Porters are great meal beers, but not much to get plastered on. Still, I'd rather have a good porter anyday with a steak.