Belgium gig

Mariner said:
Shelley youre a pro?
sol83 said:
if i drink 24 cans of beer in one day i won't get to see any bands cos i'll be in the toilet all the time...

you won't be drinking 24 cans a day, this is budgeting for ten cans a day, maximum, over an ENTIRE day. Its better to be safe than sorry, imagine if you were stuck without any bevvies on the last night :ill::ill: plus trays are transport friendly too

As eos pointed out, refrigiration is the real issue here but if you can get yer hands on cold water and a good bucket i reckon yer problem is solved :Spin:

dhatura said:
What a pessimist indeed!

a) spillage --> stay sober while you drink and don't fucking spill it, it's just stupid, I hate when people spill their drink

stay sober ?? dont be daft, how the fuck could you watch all them crap metal bands stone cold sober??
damn right, ive been there before its awful. i think thats the only moment in my life i wished i was christian.
yeah for the cans, ive a cool box we can use, they will be still cold enough after a day... for the 2nd one? well thats a pity then. anyway its just for the camping popples.
i agree you need to be dead drunk to watch e.g. stratovarius, but thankfully there are many other things to do on a fest. check out the market, grab something to eat, stare at the gils, even play football, if there's space and will of course...

which reminds me, pieter do you have a football we can take on the campsite? this way i'll teach you all how to be like diego and pele. :cool:
Ooh, guys, it seems to me now that you want to take too much stuff with you, coolbox and football, what the hell? When I go to a festival this is what I have:

Kleenex (for the Toi Toi portable shitboxes)
A bottle of water (drinking/washing hands in time of need)
A packet of chewing gum
Public transport pass
Lip balm
Maybe toothbrush if I can put it away
Ticket (only the first day, of course)

Yep, that's it. Football... omg :D

I don't even take a comb and nail polish with me. Basics.
Strangelight said:
A kopite playing like Maradona? You must think we're stupid!

yeah well, a kopite saved poor england from humiliation yesterday night at riverside... :p