Below the Lights or Pale Folklore

Hmmm... what a tough choice. One of the 10 best metal albums ever and a soon-to-be classic or an awesome album by a band that has stayed consistently awesome for a long time...

I'd go with Pale Folklore as Agalloch is just a little better than Enslaved and the guitars in Pale Folklore sound like Blackheim, which is NEVER a bad thing. Oh yeah, it has a 28 minute song that totally owns in every way. And... it has more variation. It also has sweet wind samples that sound like Pink Floyd. And... uh... it sounds like Bergtatt mixed with Brave Murder Day. Yeah, those are two of the 10 best metal albums ever too.

Actually, Pale Folklore and The Mantle change in my metal top 10 pretty frequently. I think The Mantle is probably just a TAD better, but they are so damn close that it is next to impossible to decide which is actually better. The Mantle has far better vocals, but worse guitars. Both have equally awesome song structures, but Pale Folklore has a 28 minute song that owns... so it edges out The Mantle in that regards.

Below the Lights is indeed awesome, but it's not as good as Enslaved's best album Monumension which is also not as good as Pale Folklore.
By the way, no Enslaved album dwarves an Agalloch album (or ep, even Agalloch's eps are better than Enslaved albums) by any means whatsoever. Agalloch is one of the three best metal bands around today, I couldn't say the same for Enslaved (I would put them in the lower end of the top 10).
Well, I'll agree that Agalloch are good, but I don't think they come close to being as emotional or original as Enslaved. They both have a sound that is based on repetition, but Agalloch seems to overdo it for me. Cool riffs, but way to simple, and they go on for way too long. Enslaved, however, take a simple, awesome melody, and often make little changes to transform it into a an almost totally different, yet equally majestic piece of music. Agalloch seem like and amateur version of Enslaved mixed with Opeth sensibilities to me.

And I thinkit's cool that you think Monumension is the best LuminousAether. I think it's probably their worst as a whole(despite being better than most metal records ever released!), in terms of their proggy albums, ie. Eld to BTL. I've never seen many Enslaved polls, I wonder if they reflect Opeth album polls, where there is a huge following for each album. In my opinion, that's the sign of a geat band, many fans, but each loving a certain album for it's particular uniqueness.
I went with Enslaved
I've had the Mantle forever, but for some reason I've never been in a huge rush to get Pale Folklore, even though the Mantle is like one of my top 15 best albums I own
I've just heard so many good things about Below the Lights
but I'll die owning Pale Folklore...or owned..whatever
shivering corpse said:
I went with Enslaved
I've had the Mantle forever, but for some reason I've never been in a huge rush to get Pale Folklore, even though the Mantle is like one of my top 15 best albums I own
I've just heard so many good things about Below the Lights
but I'll die owning Pale Folklore...or owned..whatever
