Ben Stein's Salute to Troops (a letter)

Dec 27, 2004
This is very cool.,15202,124135,00.html?wh=wh

Dear Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, National Guard, Reservists, in Iraq, in the Middle East theater, in Afghanistan, in the area near Afghanistan, in any base anywhere in the world, and your families:

Let me tell you about why you guys own about 90 percent of the backbone in the whole world right now and should be happy with yourselves and proud of whom you are.

It was a dazzlingly hot day here in Rancho Mirage today. I did small errands like going to the bank to pay my mortgage, finding a new bed at a price I can afford, practicing driving with my new 5 wood, paying bills for about two hours. I spoke for a long time to a woman who is going through a nasty child custody fight. I got e-mails from a woman who was fired today from her job for not paying attention. I read about multi-billion-dollar mergers in Europe, Asia, and the Mideast. I noticed how overweight I am, for the millionth time. In other words, I did a lot of nothing.

Like every other American who is not in the armed forces family, I basically just rearranged the deck chairs on the Titanic in my trivial, self-important, meaningless way.

Above all, I talked to a friend of more than forty-three years who told me he thought his life had no meaning because all he did was count his money. And, friends in the armed forces, this is the story of all of America today. We are doing nothing but treading water while you guys carry on the life or death struggle against worldwide militant Islamic terrorism. Our lives are about nothing: paying bills, going to humdrum jobs, waiting until we can go to sleep and then do it all again. Our most vivid issues are trivia compared with what you do every day, every minute, every second.

Oprah Winfrey talks a lot about "meaning" in life. For her, "meaning" is dieting and then having her photo on the cover of her magazine every single month (surely a new world record for egomania). This is not "meaning."

- Meaning is doing for others.

- Meaning is risking your life for hers.

- Meaning is putting your bodies and families' peace of mind on the line to defeat some of the most evil, sick killers the world has ever known.

- Meaning is leaving the comfort of home to fight to make sure that there still will be a home for your family and for your nation and for free men and women everywhere.

Look, Soldiers and Marines and Sailors and Airmen and Coast Guardsmen, there are six billion people in this world. The whole fate of this world turns on what you people, 1.4 million, more or less, do every day. The fate of mankind depends on what about 2/100 of one percent of the people in this world do every day and you are those people. And joining you is every policeman, fireman, and Emergency Medical Technician in the country, also holding back the tide of chaos.

Do you know how important you are? Do you know how indispensable you are? Do you know how humbly grateful any of us who has a head on his shoulders is to you? Do you know that if you never do another thing in your lives, you will always still be heroes? That we could live without Hollywood or Wall Street or the NFL, but we cannot live for a week without you?

We are on our knees to you and we bless and pray for you every moment. And Oprah Winfrey, if she were a size two, would not have one millionth of your importance, and all of the Wall Street billionaires will never mean what the least of you do, and if Barry Bonds hits hundreds of home runs it would not mean as much as you going on one patrol or driving one truck to the Baghdad airport.

You are everything to us, as we go through our little days, and you are in the prayers of the nation and of every decent man and woman on the planet. That's who you are and what you mean. I hope you know that.
Sounds like a pretentious dick. Wait, he always has been. The meaning of life is what you want it to be, or make it, not risking your life for the ideals of those in power, or the good of others, (unless you want it to be.) I'm not sure he's aware of the ever-more vietnam looking situation he's praising them for, but, what do I know. I'm rearranging my deck chairs after this, just like him (or whoever else wrote it.)
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While I reservedly applaud the sentiment, the delivery is a little misguided. So, is he saying that if you're not military personnel, your life is meaningless?

He's just exagerating the fact that while certain people are clipping their toenails, shopping, chatting, playing video games, complaining about the weather etc. other people are dieing (and watching their buddies die) for something. He is extending his appreciation to those doing the dieing. That's what I gathered at least.
Well, I can see how it's just pretentious annoying crap to most people I guess. It was just a good ego boost for me at the time, which is all it was supposed to be I think.
Meaning is becoming some of the sickest killers in the world to get rid of some of the OTHER sickest killers in the world :kickass:

Noam Chomsky said:
It is close to a historical universal that our terrorism against them is right and just (whoever we happen to be), while their terrorism against us is an outrage. As long as that practice is adopted, discussion of terrorism is not serious. It is no more than a form of propaganda and apologetics.

I also thought it was a pretty good letter though.
Stein makes it sound like military life is full of meaning and fulfillment when in fact it's days and months of extreme boredom followed by perhaps a few days of getting shot at by some other sucker who thinks they are protecting their land.
This isn't WW2. America is gridlocked into an illegal war that costs taxpayers billions and billions of dollars. We are trying to avoid total disaster in Iraq so we can use their oil. That's it. And the American people, fucking sheep that they are, have fallen for it and will continue to fall for whatever shit the Bush Admin tells them to believe.
Dudes who are going into the military: I'm honestly proud of you and hope you can make a good life in the military but Jesus, now's not the time to join. In the '40s you could make a name for yourself by fighting a bunch of assholes bent on world domination. Now, your legacy will be that of an invader doing the will of the worst President in our history.
Stein makes it sound like military life is full of meaning and fulfillment when in fact it's days and months of extreme boredom followed by perhaps a few days of getting shot at by some other sucker who thinks they are protecting their land.
This isn't WW2. America is gridlocked into an illegal war that costs taxpayers billions and billions of dollars. We are trying to avoid total disaster in Iraq so we can use their oil. That's it. And the American people, fucking sheep that they are, have fallen for it and will continue to fall for whatever shit the Bush Admin tells them to believe.
Dudes who are going into the military: I'm honestly proud of you and hope you can make a good life in the military but Jesus, now's not the time to join. In the '40s you could make a name for yourself by fighting a bunch of assholes bent on world domination. Now, your legacy will be that of an invader doing the will of the worst President in our history.

It doesn't matter what war you are fighting. The point is that what he is saying lets warriors keep their heads up and live longer, what literally everyone else is saying just confuses them and makes them not know how to feel about the job they have to do.

How do you think a Marine feels when he hears people say the enemy 'are just doing exactly what you are doing', after they have just seen them mortor a nursery school, suicide bomb a shopping center, then blow their buddies brains all over the inside of a humvee?

How do you think they feel after they set up and defend voting booths so Iraqi citizens can have a say in the way their country is run, only to have people back home say they 'support the troops' yet think actions such as this are pointless and only used to mask some neferious plot?

In the '40s you could make a name for yourself by fighting a bunch of assholes bent on world domination.

Unlike radical Islamic Jihadists, who are neither assholes, nor bent on world domination, obviously.
How do you think a Marine feels when he hears people say the enemy 'are just doing exactly what you are doing', after they have just seen them mortor a nursery school, suicide bomb a shopping center, then blow their buddies brains all over the inside of a humvee?

Good point.

For me, and most people I would suspect, there is no problem with the military. They are our backbone when it comes to keeping us safe. I wish for them all to return home safely and get away from a war that's simply not worth dying for IMO. I would have no problem with them being redeployed to Afghanistan to hunt down Osama or go to Africa and save Darfur.
Tully, I understand your point but you didn't address mine: Iraq is an illegal war. Do you want to be associated with that for the rest of your life? Bush has created a breeding ground for terrorists. Iraq had nothing to do whatsoever with the attack on the World Trade Centers.
If the situation were reversed and the Iraq Army invaded the US, would you not fight back? Even if fighting back meant forming militias? No one should be surprised that Iraqis and fighing against US soldiers. WE FUCKING INVADED A COUNTRY.
As far as serving the US, fighting in Iraq has nothing to do with that. I'm an American taxpayer and I don't want you or anyone else over there wasting any more of my tax dollars. It's as simple as that.
By Bush's logic, why not just invade EVERYONE just to make sure they don't try to do the same to us somewhere down the line. I mean, makes sense right? Shoot first, try to string together a few monosyllabic words into a question later?
How do you think a Marine feels when he hears people say the enemy 'are just doing exactly what you are doing', after they have just seen them mortor a nursery school, suicide bomb a shopping center, then blow their buddies brains all over the inside of a humvee?

How do you think they feel after they set up and defend voting booths so Iraqi citizens can have a say in the way their country is run, only to have people back home say they 'support the troops' yet think actions such as this are pointless and only used to mask some neferious plot?

Tully, I think you are misguided here. How many Marines have been arrested so far in this war for doing unspeakable acts? How many children have been killed by US bombs? Not only in this war but in all wars? Give me a break, bro.
People make a choice to join the military. It's a job. They get paid. They have great benefits. I don't expect some kind of morale support network at my job. Why do the Marines?
Tully, I think you are misguided here. How many Marines have been arrested so far in this war for doing unspeakable acts? How many children have been killed by US bombs? Not only in this war but in all wars? Give me a break, bro.
People make a choice to join the military. It's a job. They get paid. They have great benefits. I don't expect some kind of morale support network at my job. Why do the Marines?

I think it's 7 Marines have been arrested in Iraq? All for the same event. It was a huge deal.

Collateral damage is an ugly byproduct of war. To compare collateral damage to the deliberate murder of children is ridiculous. How many children died when we bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima in WWII, the war you are praising?

Our enemy is executing Americans and dragging them behind trucks, hanging them up for display. We are saving insurgents lives on the battlefield, if they are injured.

We are better then these people. I for one will choose a side.

The only morale support Marines expect is other Marines. If anything else comes along, it's iceing.
Yes, I agree that Islamists are fucking retards. That said, I'm not going to argue anymore. I tear up every damn time I see the names and faces of 19 and 20 year old dead kids on the news every night. I just wanted to point out that this is probably not a great time to join the military and that there's nothing to be proud of by fighting in a war that no one but a handful of politicians wanted. But fuck it: just don't get killed, okay?

BTW: I didn't praise the use of the atomic bomb. I was talking about hand to hand combat by draftees in the deep snow of French forests.
I was talking about hand to hand combat by draftees in the deep snow of French forests.

As opposed to hand to hand combat in the Iraqi desert by volunteers?

I understand your distaste in the war being fought, but to say that the warriors doing the fighting are less heroic or honorable then previous ages is wrong in my opinion. You may not have meant to say that, but it was the feeling I got from your earlier post.

EDIT: Also I appreciate your love for the men and women fighting, as I tear up as well seeing who gave their lives. So, I'm not fighting you as a person, just trying to put my ideas down next to yours. I'm almost positive I got the wrong ideas from your post.