Bendeth Calls Out Sturgis #epic #shitstorm #podtact #podtactless #cats

Yeah, cmon guys, I didn't start this topic so people could fight each other about Kevin Shirley, I started it so people could maim each other about Joey Sturgis.
I don't get it.
Couldn't you just delete the audio and save the cpr.
Then open the cpr an put new audio tracks in it?

Or can you put that mixer settings on an already open project?
It's alright, we got seven pages, now I just need to up my amount of lame signature quotes for 2013 and it'll have been a good year.
Then why don't you just fucking bow out dude. It seems like you just hawk over this thread to make sure noone bashes you or strugis... just get over yourself, you already killed all the fun anyway :hahamiddlefinger:

:Spin: i'm just keeping the thread alive :Spin:
i don't really care about Joey or David and i dislike their productions.

I personally can't stand Joey's mixes. I have no other word for them other than steril, clean, fake, or shiny. Take your pick.

I personally don't care for what that sound has done to the recording industry either. There are fucking droves of cloners out to nail that sound.

I'm much more happy producing mixes that are me, even if they are a lot more shitty than most.