Best 1986 thrash album

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Burger King Diamond
Sep 18, 2008
Washington State
Since that was really the golden year for thrash metal, what's your favorite album from that year?

Mine's probably a tie between MoP and RiB
HAHA Master of Puppets isn't even thrash!

Darkness Descends, Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?, Pleasure to Kill, The Force, Malicious Intent, Eternal Devastation and above all Possessed By Fire. THOSE are worthy nominees, not Master of faggots. ITS NOT THRASH! THREE FAST SONGS ON AN ALBUM DOESN'T MAKE IT THRASH!!!!!!!
Seriously though, I have to say Reign in Blood definitely wins.
It's non-stop, in your face, real bad attitude, dark, fast.
While Peace Sells has attitude it isn't really as non-stop and as fast as Reign.
And (le gasp) I love Peace Sells.
Reign in Blood is good for a few spins, but its inconsistant. There're only five tracks on that album that you MUST hear, the rest are just... good. I'd have to say Possessed By Fire was the best to be honest, it shits on everything. Although most people in here have probably never heard of it :lol:

As for the ATL thing, I don't listen to Gant-thrax much so yeah. Yer face!
Well no Dave, actually its yer arse...

...In front of yer face on a plate. :lol:

Just kidding.

My vote would go to Pleasure To Kill. Its faster and darker than Reign In Blood. The Force would be a close second I think. Its a damn good album.
It's an amazing album but it's not (my opinion) really 100% thrash.
Then again I haven't listened to it all the way through in a long time.
So my opinion could change.

i agree ocelot. i don't really think of puppets as a thrash album. to me its just a superb metal album with elements of thrash. though if you was to say whats your favourite album from 1986, master of puppets would win it every time for me.
I know I'm gonna get shit for saying this

But listening to Peace Sells I have to say what you just said about Puppets is how I feel about Peace Sells, minus it being my favorite overall '86 album.
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