Best 80s trad metal

Which of the following was the greatest 80s trad metal act?


    Votes: 13 52.0%

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Ozzy Osbourne

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dio

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
I would have voted Sabbath! I guess I misunderstood the poll :( Oh well, too late now! :)
JUDAS PRIEST!!!!! One of the best bands EVER!!!! Iron Maiden is another favorite, but not as much as PRIEST! Dio is third, good band. But i tend to like some of his pre-Dio material(Rainbow, Sabbath), and Ozzy...well, he has some good songs, but i just can't get into a whole album. He's really nothing special. He should stick with Sabbath.
ok, I voted for Priest because they couldn't be stopped in the 80's. They had more commercial success than Maiden and better tunes than Dio. So I took the poll as what the bands were like in the 80's. Now, if it were on the bands today, then I would have to say IMO that DIO and Maiden would be tied. Both bands put on great great great live shows. Remeber, Dio is 64.
Accept !!! but they weren't on there.

Seriously I voted for Dio because he "quietly" had an incredible amount of influence in metal (especially in America) when he first went solo. People screamed Maiden and Priest then went to see Dio play in their town.
I have never seen Bruce nor Rob fight a mechanical dragon on stage with a laser sword but Ronnie did. I am not trying to say Ronnie is "more" significant than the icons Priest or Maiden, but Dio sometimes gets overlooked in the grand scale of things and it was a metal machine in the day.

IcedMadness said:
Priest had more commercial success than Maiden

For me, a very close call between Maiden and Priest, I had to go with Maiden cos I'm biased :p
IOfTheStorm said:
the best trad metal band was none of them , it was Sabbath ( 70s era)

I don't know if I would consider Sabbath traditional metal. They ARE the fathers of all things heavy but they were more doomy and stoner..... to my ears anyway.
IOfTheStorm said:
how can you call them stoner ? "stoner" didnt even exist then.

Right, they invented it. :) I'm talking about the early Sabbath with Ozzy. The albums with Dio do sound trad metal to me, but not the Ozzy stuff. That's just me, if their early stuff sound traditional to you that's cool. I'm in no way putting Sabbath down, I love their music..... up until Dio left anyway.