Best album from each of these thrash bands??

Overkill - The Years of Decay
Destruction - Infernal Overkill
Annihilator - Alice in Hell
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill OR Extreme Aggression
Sodom - Agent Orange
Exodus - Bonded by Blood
Toxic Holocaust - Evil Never Dies
Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare

and if ya want...fuck it, gimme 5-10 ABSOLUTELY MUST OWN thrash metal masterpieces besides the obvious Slayer, Sepultera, Metallica.
Sabbat "History of a Time to Come"
Infernäl Mäjesty "None Shall Defy" (!!)
Onslaught "The Force"
Dark Angel "Darkness Descends" (i dunno if you realize how essential this is)
Heathen "Victims of Deception"
Pyrus, did you see that Spectrum of Death was re-released with Destruction System as a bonus?? Bootleg though...

Anyway, recommendations so far are ace so I'll just second most of it and not bother thinking.

Add these though:

Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death
Rigor Mortis - s/t
Sarcòfago - INRI
Sauron - Thrash Assault
Mortal Sin - Mayhemic Destruction
Forbidden - Forbidden Evil (Has the hittiest hits but I dunno which is better, FE or Twisted Into Form)
Holy Terror - Mind Wars
Exumer - Possessed by Fire
Tankard - Chemical Invasion

Top of the priority list:
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Heathen - Victims of Deception
fotmbm said:
Fuck yeah :kickass:
I need Power and Pain, I only have Insult to Injury atm

That is supposed to be their worst, by far...with another vocalist. Power and Pain & Ticket To Mayhem are supposedly UNGODLY. The few songs I have from Power and Pain truly are. :kickass: I guess their is a re-release with them both on 1 CD. Gotta get it.
RAZOR and DEATHROW must be mentioned also ...

never was able to get into EXUMER or ASSASSIN much ... something weird in the vocal dep't for each band.

INFERNAL MAJESTY did fuckin' rip it up with None Shall Defy ...
Doomcifer said:
Okay, Im sold on Annihilator...this guitarist is INSANE!!!!!!!

Yes he is. Not sure why people are only listing Alice in Hell -- for me, it's a 2 shot deal. Get BOTH Alice in Hell and Never, Neverland. You cannot go wrong (although the debut is a little more consistent no doubt).

Pyrus said:
Oh shit, forgot, TORTURE SQUAD. Brazilian thrash/death band. Fucking insane neckbreaking brutal shit with time changes out the ass. Pick up Pandemonium.

Wtf? Never heard them. Can you post a sample? For me, it's all about the time changes when it comes to Thrash.
By the way, Sodom's Agent Orange is not all that great. Not bad, a little dated, but certainly shouldn't be at the top of your must buy list.

Also, don't forget Flotsam & Jetsam.
JayKeeley said:
Wtf? Never heard them. Can you post a sample? For me, it's all about the time changes when it comes to Thrash.

Uploading to YouSendIt in a bit.

Oh hey, btw, since nobody has mentioned them: NECRODEATH, from Italy, another death/thrash band; fairly straightforward, heavy riffs and lots of snarling and really fast tempos. Mater of All Evil (not a typo) rules.