Best Black Metal Act?

Best Black Metal Act?

  • Emperor

    Votes: 29 35.4%
  • Burzum

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Mayhem

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Immortal

    Votes: 12 14.6%
  • Darkthrone

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Ulver

    Votes: 9 11.0%
  • Satyricon

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Borknagar

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • Abigor

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Graveland

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
I'm looking at the result of voting and i'm just curious why Borknagar has second position (after Emperor) when there are bands like Satyricon or Mayhem. Ok, i also love Borknagar (it's the best of the mentioned bands for me, maybe it can be equal only with EmpEroR) but when the question is: your favorite BLACK METAL band is...? i choose one of the BLACK METAL bands.
Ok, the point should be not why someone vote for Borki but why someone put Borki in BLACK METAL.
Originally posted by Stitch
I don't feel Olden Domain 's black metal. But if you add it in a list, I vote for them because Borknagar rules :):):)

"Olden Domain" is second album, Lord Hypnos spoken about debut album "Borknagar"...
i don't think so. first edition by Malicious has been sold out indeed, but second by Century Media?
I voted for the almighty EMPEROR! Second place would be a hard choice between Immortal and Dark Funeral (if it were on the list)

I don't think Borknagar falls under any specific category and that's why they're so kick ass. They're not limited to what they do, and as long as they keep sounding great then keep breaking down those boundaries I say! Not many bands can pull this off without being labeled as "sell outs". Borknagar can and are that damn good. :headbang:
I voted Immortal, simply because they rule all. :D

Though I guess I don't really consider them black metal these days (hell, neither really is Borknagar come to think of it). I think my favorite "tr00" BM bands are unknowns like Bloodthorn and Noctes.
Originally posted by markgugs
I voted Immortal, simply because they rule all. :D

Though I guess I don't really consider them black metal these days (hell, neither really is Borknagar come to think of it). I think my favorite "tr00" BM bands are unknowns like Bloodthorn and Noctes.

nowadays Bloodthorn plays death metal and i don't call their 2 first albums black metal. there is something resembling to bm, but inexactly
Originally posted by Eldzik

nowadays Bloodthorn plays death metal and i don't call their 2 first albums black metal. there is something resembling to bm, but inexactly

You think so? They may be a fringe band, and rather ambient/atmospheric at times, but Bloodthorn is most definitely a BM band. Even their newest album - "Onwards Into Battle" - is pretty blackish. Their lyrics are, their 'demeanor' are, what more do they need to do?
Originally posted by markgugs

You think so? They may be a fringe band, and rather ambient/atmospheric at times, but Bloodthorn is most definitely a BM band. Even their newest album - "Onwards Into Battle" - is pretty blackish. Their lyrics are, their 'demeanor' are, what more do they need to do?

"Onwards Into Battle" was their previous album! one year ago they released album called "Under The Reign Of Terror" via Red Stream records. this album is totally dissimilar to "In the shadow..." and "Onwards...". it's brutal death metal... i was shocked when bought "Under..."
hard to say, because they still had own style, but i think Aeternus' styl is close, but much faster. btw: they covered Mayhem's "Deathcrush" with Necrobutcher on bass.
I thought more highly of Borknagar's first album than The Shadowthrone. But it suprise's me that no one voted Satyricon yet. If the vynal wasn't so thick I don't think I'd have any grooves left in it.
I think black metal was redefined so many times that it's almost impossible to tag label's at all. But lest we listen to bands like Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost and associated bands an era start's. Now at the Ragnorok of blackmetal, too many arguement's over who's what, who cares?
It does make a wonderful conflict though.
Black Metal Is Dead!!!!!!
And then Borknagar came.

Haahaahaa:devil: :Smokedev: