Best Christian Metal Albums

Verbum Lux

Aug 7, 2011
A large portion of the people who view this forum are into Christian Metal, but I don’t recall seeing this topic since I’ve been here, and I’m curious as to what others consider the best albums of this type of music. I like making Top Ten Lists, so that’s what I did, but feel free to list yours in a different format or no format at all. It may be worth noting that I consider every entry on this list to be among the best albums I’ve ever heard, religious or secular.

10. Divinefire – Farewell
While they don’t quite reach the heights of Into a New Dimension (see below), Divinefire’s fourth effort still deserves a place on this list. With one exception, this doesn’t do anything other Divinefire albums don’t do, it just does these things really, really well. The aforementioned exception, Heal Me, is definitely worth noting. It’s a very cool progressive metal epic that I consider their finest moment. I wish they would do more stuff along that line.

9. Becoming the Archetype – Dichotomy
BTA achieve true greatness with their third release. While they were good before, most the songs just weren’t that memorable. Not so here. They stepped up their game in every way and fulfill the promise shown on the previous two albums. So many of their best songs are on this one. Their version of How Great Thou Art makes me wish they did more renditions of classic hymns, and End of the Age is my favorite song about the end of the world.

8. HB – Pääkallonpaikka
As much as I love HB, there were always things that kept me from placing them on the same levels as other female-fronted metal bands like Leaves’ Eyes, Nightwish, etc. – until I heard Pääkallonpaikka. The band’s sound is a bit more intense, a bit darker, yet still retains the pop elements that made Frozen Inside and The Jesus Metal Explosion fun. The lyrics are in Finnish and there’s no English version, so I can’t make out anything other than “Jesus” and “Hallelujah,” but they sure sound cool and have a great flow to them.

7. Harmony – Chapter II: Aftermath
I’d describe the sound of Aftermath as somewhere between Dream Theater and Symphony X, yet tight, focused, and super-catchy. The musicianship is excellent, and the lyrics, with one exception, are smartly written.

6. Theocracy – Theocracy
It still impresses me that this is the work of a single person. Say what you will about the production and the drum machine – the sheer awesomeness of the music more than makes up for it. And while Matt Smith’s vocals aren’t as good as they would become, the passion and conviction in his voice makes for a powerful performance. As with the other Theocracy albums, the s/t is highly consistent in terms of quality. It also boasts not one, not two, but three big epic pieces.

5. Divinefire – Into a New Dimension
By far the best work of this band. Christian Liljegren delivers what may just be the best performance of his career, and whoever did the death growls did a great job as well. Their blend of symphonic and power metal reaches its peak. Not only that, but the lyrics – so often the weak point for this band and anything else Liljegren writes for – are pretty enjoyable. The cheese that marred their previous work is almost totally absent here.

4. Mehida – Blood and Water
Blood and Water is a beautiful work of art. Progressive, captivating, and highly melodic. Thomas Vikström of Therion provides smooth vocals that perfectly suit former Sonata Arctica keyboardist Mikko Härkin’s lovely musical vision. Jani Stefanovic of Divinefire is also in the band, though this sounds nothing like a Divinefire album. It’s shame this album isn’t better known.

3. Theocracy – Mirror of Souls
So many catchy songs on this one. Every song in fact. This was the album that showed me that not was all Christian music just second-rate knockoffs or worse, but some of it was just as good as anything the secular field produces. Songs like Laying the Demon to Rest, Absolution Day, and the title track really hit home on a personal level. Oh, and the latter is the greatest song in universe. That doesn’t hurt either.

2. Becoming the Archetype – Celestial Completion
Best freaking death metal album EVER. It’s both brutal and melodic at the same time, and progressive without being gimmicky or leaning on technical wankery. Lyrics are sharp and Jason Wisdom is a BEAST. Such a shame he left after this one.

1. Theocracy – As the World Bleeds
ATWB is my favorite album, period. The song-writing, vocals, musicianship, consistency, overall aesthetic …. everything is fantastic. I can name other albums that are superior in one of these respects, but none that excel as much in all of them. The messages are spot-on as well. It doesn’t get any better than this. I know, I know, I’m slipping into gushy fanboy mode here, but that’s honestly how I feel about it. :)

Anyhow, what are everyone else’s favorites?
I'm going to leave Theocracy off the list.

Visionary - Strange But Familiar Shores (Promised Land QR meets short Images-era Dream Theater songs)
Barren Cross - State of Control
Titanic - Maiden Voyage
Final Axe - Beyond Hell's Gates
Sacred Warrior - Obsessions
Recon - Behind Enemy Lines
Fear Not - S/T (best album that isn't Slave to the Grind)
Undercover - Balance of Power
Tony Mills - Vital Designs
Deliverance - Weapons of our Warfare
Messiah Prophet - Master of the Metal
I'm going to leave Theocracy off as well since they are my favorite band, Christian or secular.

Deliverance ~ Deliverance (Great guys as well; a blast to hang out with!)
Seventh Angel ~ Lament For The Weary
Stryper ~ Soldiers Under Command (except the 2 ballads)
Vengeance ~ Human Sacrifice (Had a great visit with Roger Martinez in '90; totally on fire for God. Who knew he would lose his mind...sad.)
Barren Cross ~ Atomic Arena
Believer ~ Sanity Obscure
Crucified ~ Crucified
Bride ~ Snakes In The Playground
Tourniquet ~ Psycho Surgery
Amaseffer - Slaves For Life [Jewish technically]
Shadow Gallery - Tyranny
Shadow Gallery - Room V
Shadow Gallery - Digital Ghosts
Theocracy - S/T
Theocracy - Mirror Of Souls
I'll list my favorite christian hard music albums:

Saviour Machine - Legend II
Saviour Machine - I
Saviour Machine - II
Saviour Machine - Legend I
Theocracy - s/t
Theocracy - As the world bleeds
Theocracy - Mirror of Souls
Bloodgood - Detonation
Bloodgood - Out of the darkness
Petra - On Fire!
Petra - Beyond belief
Guardian - Fire & Love
HB - Frozen
Sarepta - Smokin' Vineyard
Seventh Avenue - Between the worlds
X-Sinner - Get it
10. Immortal Souls - Once Upon A Time In The North
9. Seventh Avenue - Terium
8. Narnia - Enter The Gate
7. Whitecross - Nineteen Eighty-Seven
6. Harmony - Aftermath II
5. Demon Hunter - The Triptych
4. Demon Hunter - True Defiance
3. Theocracy - Mirror Of Souls
2. Deutronomium - From The Midst Of The Battle (You've gotta check this out. Death metal, but just too melodic)
1. Theocracy - As The World Bleeds
Am I seriously seeing that nobody even mentioned Living Sacrifice?

Living Sacrifice - The Infinite Order

Good call on the band, not so much on the album.

I love The Infinite Order but I don't think it compares to their other stuff, for lots of reasons.

I wouldn't name any in particular 'cause I haven't listened to every one and they all have their own appeal.

Good call on the band, not so much on the album.

I love The Infinite Order but I don't think it compares to their other stuff, for lots of reasons.

I wouldn't name any in particular 'cause I haven't listened to every one and they all have their own appeal.


Yeah, I haven't dug into their older stuff all that much. I have listened to some tracks from back in their catalog, but the Infinite Order was the first album I bought by them and I absolutely love it. I have every intention of digging back into their discography, but just haven’t done so yet.

Do you have any suggestions on what to pick up first?
Yeah, everything :D

I think you should wait till the others respond but if you ask me you should get In Memoriam (the compilation album) and see which songs tickle your fancy.

I also love Sacrificium's Escape the Stupor, but I found no love for death metal amongst Theocracy's fans :p
Yeah, everything :D

I think you should wait till the others respond but if you ask me you should get In Memoriam (the compilation album) and see which songs tickle your fancy.

I also love Sacrificium's Escape the Stupor, but I found no love for death metal amongst Theocracy's fans :p

I'll probably just end up picking up a couple of albums from their past and going from there. I'm not big on compilations, If I want to hear various songs from various albums, I'll just search youtube.

Never heard of Sacrificium, they pretty good I take it?
I'll try to keep this short, even though it probably would be anyways because Christian bands usually don't compare to the secular ones. Also, I'll try to get one from each genre.

Becoming The Archetype - Terminate Damnation, The Physics of Fire, and Dichotomy. You know, I really tried to pick just one, but all three of these albums are so good and are what made them my favorite band for such a long time. They went downhill after this.

Extol - The Blueprint Dives and Burial. The softer album and the heavier album. The newest; the oldest. The Blueprint Dives was the album that I first got into (and would be more welcoming for you power metal fans) but once I started listening to them more, I realized how awesome their other stuff was. Both of these albums just have my favorite tracks from the band so I decided to choose them both.

Oh, Sleeper - Son Of The Morning. I'm not gonna cop out here and choose more than one album. Well, actually, I will. Let's add When I Am God and Children of Fire to this list. I don't normally like metalcore, but honestly, I can't think of anything bad to say about Oh, Sleeper. They are catchy like metalcore is meant to be, yet they are more technical than the rest of the bands in the genre, and their lyrics are extremely profound, well-written, and presented in so many ways. This band is truly the master of this genre.

Theocracy - Theocracy, Mirror Of Souls, and As The World Bleeds. What is there to say about this? You guys totally expected that. But okay, this band is the first that got me into power metal. They are above and beyond any secular counterpart and everything they do is done in excellence. Like Oh, Sleeper, Theocracy is the master of their genre.

Honorable Mention!

Brian "Head" Welch - Save Me From Myself. This is actually a really boring album musically. Generic nu-metal riffs with everything else being very mediocre at best. The reason I list it however is because I feel that other people (who aren't as much of a music snob as me) will enjoy it and if you're one of the types that only listens to Christian music, this album has some pretty entertaining lyrics. It probably had more impact because I read the book before I heard it though. Overall, this album isn't even close to the caliber of the other albums I listed.

Final thoughts are, with no doubt, that Theocracy, BTA, and Oh, Sleeper were the best Christian metal bands. With so many bands in this genre (almost all completely unheard of; Ultimatum and Ashen Mortality, anyone?) it makes perfect sense that some of the more popular ones are the better ones. However, I said "were" because BTA is no longer quality music.
I have "Sleepless Remorse" of Ashen Mortality - it's a long time since I gave it a deeper listen. Unfortunately the production is pretty weak, but the band had potential.
As for Ultimatum - yes, fans of thrash metal should check them out. A classic and still active part of christian metal history...
Haha, that's awesome. My point was that if you mention either of those names to people, you'd probably go through at least a million people before someone heard of just one.
Hold on a second...

@matt schrauben

The band in your signature, did you guys release an album for free listening on your site a while back?

The name rang a bell, and I found your album on my pc somewhere, I once copied it whole on my phone and gave it a few listens, there was something I liked, but the overall concept of "slow" prog wasn't so appealing. All in all in the end it was great, although I'd prefer it if you were faster. What's going on with your band?

I know this is a little off topic but they list themselves as a Christian band on and the album is unique so why not give it some coverage in a thread like this :)
Do you have any suggestions on what [Living Sacrifice] to pick up first?

Conceived in Fire, so far the best album I've heard from LS; extremely heavy while technical enough for my taste in this area of metal, Bruce's vocals are outstanding, and several sets of lyrics are quite powerful.

@matt schrauben

The band in your signature, did you guys release an album for free listening on your site a while back?

I know this is a little off topic but they list themselves as a Christian band on and the album is unique so why not give it some coverage in a thread like this :)

Silent Lapse did indeed release their debut for free; I have it, also including a physical, on hand and it's a fine debut, very soon to be followed up.

Yes, I did list Christianity as a lyrical theme because it does exist, mostly in the title track, and all five members belong to the faith; it's hard to write anything more general there and be accurate.