Best controllers?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Since my adventure with the Presonus Faderport failed dismally, I've come back to the controller market and am wondering what you all prefer?

I'm particularly interested in the single-fader units, but if there are good ones in the 8/16 fader range, that are perhaps expandable that would be good to look at as well.

I mostly want something very comprehensive, that can take as much of the work away from the mouse and keyboard as possible, and is built solidly and reliably, with good driver support.

What is the benefit of a single fader? Do you use it for writing vocal rides? Can they have automation. Please forgive my ignorance, I don't really know much about daw controllers outside of a keyboard and mouse lol
Surely to much but just seen this:

Ssl nucleus, the matrix without analogue summing.
SSL plug eq/dyn bus comp from the duende are free with it as native plugs.

I still cant understand why not anyone other than Avid build in a dedicated Eq/dynamics controller. THat is the feature i would want the most
But we don't know much of this new product; in the center section there's a eq/dyn button, maybe it switch the pots to match a channel eq/dyn on a selected channel??

Plus read here form jim from ssl:
Imagine a Matrix without the analogue summing. That's what Nucleus is - all the dedicated EQ and Dyn buttons, all the assignable softkeys, HUI and MCU, stereo AD/DA, plus 2 SuperAnalogue mic pres and a monitor section. Plus, Duende Native channel strip and Bus Comp will be included.

Need more infos it's maybe there.
The Euphonix stuff is expensive as hell though. At least $1,000 for the entry level artist series. For something that doesn't pass audio, nor has any appreciable effect on the end product that is way too much for me.
The Euphonix stuff is expensive as hell though. At least $1,000 for the entry level artist series. For something that doesn't pass audio, nor has any appreciable effect on the end product that is way too much for me.
I hear you. But most people using controllers keep saying that this is a very big time saver. Never been used to it, so I can't really comment, and now that I'm using Reaper my Euphonix is pretty much useless until the Reaper team fixes their HUI / MCU support...
@findingthesound: Yeah, that's fucking ridiculous. For that money I'd grab like two stereo LA-2 clones and a sontec, and top it off with something like an Alphatrack to do automation runs.

Some of these units are just ludicrously expensive for being a glorified mouse and keyboard.
Euphonix stuff is just awesome, if you're using Logic or Cubase which support EuCon protocol then there's nothing better. If you use something else, you can use it as HUI or MCU.

The MC series is getting so much praise it's not even funny. And now that Euphonix is owned by Avid, ProTools will be getting EuCon support in the future. Looks like the perfect controller series for me.
@Ermz, totally agree! I work with my mouse and keyboard and it's ok for me. I thinks that there a too much huge gap between price for ITB vs OTB, and hybrid mixing may be cheaper but still cost a lot from an ITB mixer point of view. Can't see other solution for you at this price tag right now....
(I'm dreaming of getting a used SSL matrix in future; maybe in ten years??:Spin:)

(...hum... I'm selling my Sontec for 2K€...great machine great shape, but I'm more a musician than a mixer now and just bought some vintage fat synth (Oberheim OBXa, cs-50...). But the shipping should be a problem... pm me if interested.)
I Just got an Euphonix MC Control Which is awesome and designed for the exact purpose of replacing your keyboard and mouse use as much as possible,
it really does the job well,
You can make as many buttons as you like on the touch screen and have different pages of grouped buttons "editing" or "Mixing" whatever you like,
I used to have a Command 8 (which was only useful for the 8 faders and the screen above every fader really apart from that it was a bit gash) and then a Frontier Alphatrack which is up on ebay now
-i think the Frontier Alphatrack is by far is the best of the single fader units as it has the most functionality, but if you want to use it for plugin control etc the screen is too small and there are not enough knobs so you end up scrolling through loads of pages and its quicker to used the mouse,
The fader is good and the ribbon strip is quick for scrubbing. the build quality is of an expected standard for the price - similar IMO to the Mackie Logic control/universal v1
I believe PC support for Euphonix Eucon will be on the way soon too.
I got mine used on ebay for £650 GBP
Cool, thanks guys. I was checking out the MC Control and MC Mix earlier on, but the price is just too dear for me to justify at the moment. Besides I'm on PC, so it's a no-go.

I'm looking at an Alphatrack right now... have been since the Faderport arsed out. I'll follow a few auctions and see how I go. If you want to do a direct sale rather than the eBay listing DigitalMetal, let me know.

Well if I can get an Alphatrack for cheap I'll settle with that for now. As long as I have a fader to do the moves with rather than the bloody mouse I'll be at least 200% happier to start. Will see where the years take me from there... outboard first, controllers later.