Best Cover Ever... and Worst Cover Ever?

I'm partial to Pro-Pain's cover album, Run For Cover. South of Heaven kicks ass. So do Refuse/Resist and the rest of the lot. :hotjump:
Some of the better ones:
Death's Painkiller
Megadeth's These boots
Testament did a good Priest cover but I am having a brain fart and I can't remember the name of it
I really like Anthrax's version of Cheap Trick's Auf Weiderstein

Some one's I don't like too much
Anthrax's version of We're a happy family (except the end, that was funny)
Metallica's horrible version of Venom's "Witching Hour"
All the Songs Ozzy covered
I don't like Slayers covers very much
Arg_Hamster said:
Rapid Fire?

You got it!!!

As for shitallica's shitty cover of witching hour, I have no clue - but if I had to take a guess I would say it was during or after Re-Load because the cover is filled with Hetfields shitty mating call noises. <-- for those of you who may be confused I am refering to his uh............"interesting" choice of vocal style, not the weird sounds that come out of his guitar. One of my buddy's downloaded it. THAT's RIGHT LARS!!! PEOPLE STILL (and I don't know why, it's a waste of the use of your ears) DOWNLOAD METALLICA MUSIC. YOU STOPPED NOTHING. IF ANYTHING, YOU MADE P2P BIGGER THEN EVER WITH ALL THE PUBLICITY YOU GAVE IT! Oh Metallica, what went wrong? Oh............. right........... Cliff Burton died... And he wasn't even sleeping in his bunk. Cruel, cruel fate. :erk: