Best environment for thrash metal

Dec 27, 2004
Lets hear 'em!

Of course all day, every day, works just fine. But really the best environment would have to be a brewery with stripper poles between each keg. (With strippers included of course)

But to be more seriouse, I think I enjoy Thrash most when there are many other Thrashers around me enjoying it/headbanging/singing along at the same time, getting a good vibe going. And of course there would be plenty of booze!
everyone knows the best environment for thrash is on a motorcycle doing a wheelie at 120 mph chopping off people's heads with a samurai sword. with a 40 in your other hand.
redneck parties.

people drinking heavily.
People smoking up heavily.
People smashing shit.
People chopping shit.
People wrestling/fighting each other.
People smashing people (for fun).
People falling out of trees.
People burning cars.
People shooting cars.
People burning random stuff.
People headbanging.

Thats just an average party.
definetelly driving
definetelly small club live show

sitting around with friends and beer was great ... 15 years ago :loco: :kickass:
you forgot skydiving out of an exploding plane with a nuclear device strapped to your back while you're fucking a model and drinking jack daniels straight from the bottle and then forgetting to open the chute and hitting the ground at terminal velocity and picking yourself up and snorting some ants