Best Guitar Moments

There are too many to choose from.
Definately For My Demons (I love intro and then into the chorus riff).
Strained has one of the best melodies I've heard.

Why do you make me pick????
I know it was cruel of me to make a thread designed to choose the best guitar parts from katatonia, but maybe its also testiment to the bands abilities, as well as Anders guitaring skills that make this task even harder.., its difficult with katatonia, because if you love the band, you will like everything about them asn their sound, I think its difficult to be somewhere in between, most people I know who like katatonia, fall in love with everything they have done, ok perhaps skipping some of the very warly stuff, evern though they can appreciate it..

but one of the earlier ones would be Without God.. the melodic line that starts at pretty much the beginning for me is the earliest that i can feel katatonia..
-that heavy riff before the intro of Dispossession
-weird solo in We must bury you
-the mad cow effect in Right into the bliss
-the neck breaking frickel breaks in I break
-high speed shredder guitar in For funerals to come
-the stupid noise in the cut off part in Omerta
-mysterious slide guitar in One year from now cause I can't hear it
-cheap tapping in Murder cause I can't play it
-something from Dance of december souls cause it kicks heavy metal ass
-Anders fucking up the Sweet nurse solo
-everything Fred plays
-everything else they fuck up
salisbury said:
-Anders fucking up the Sweet nurse solo

ha ha! have you also noticed this? at every concert the solos are different..I have actually recorded a couple of those solos with my camera (ok it´s shitty sound quality, but I just wanted to collect them...)
Sorry Anders, you have really evil fans:) , but we love how you play guitar... even if you fuck up the Sweet Nurse solos..they don´t need to be all the time like on the album:) :)
ether said:
ha ha! have you also noticed this? at every concert the solos are different..I have actually recorded a couple of those solos with my camera (ok it´s shitty sound quality, but I just wanted to collect them...)
Sorry Anders, you have really evil fans:) , but we love how you play guitar... even if you fuck up the Sweet Nurse solos..they don´t need to be all the time like on the album:) :)

I doubt that he fucks them up, just improvises with them a little
In Death A Song- Rythm lead sounds great backing up vocals.
Had To Leave - The overtones/feedback make this song
Sweet Nurse - the controled feedback are just great!

There are way too many to name here. AB is the only one I know of that can compose these harmony licks that back the vocals. He is more of a composer than he is a guitar player.
salisbury said:
Oh yeah, that's exactely what I was trying to say in my post above. But somehow I never really say what I mean.

I always have this kind of communication problems...
in any case "improvise" is a boring word..fuck up gives more the idea:) ..even if it is a "evil" word:)
ether said:
I always have this kind of communication problems...
in any case "improvise" is a boring word..fuck up gives more the idea:) ..even if it is a "evil" word:)

Im gonna play a jazz gig and "fuck up" some solos. Ha Ha! thats awesome:grin:
When I first heard Katatonia, I didnt really like the way thier guitars sounded, it was way too slow and simple for me...but around when last fair deal came out- it all kinda clicked w/ me. I like the lanky, awkward build-up in black session, the for my demons intro, tonight;s music, throughout- murder throughout......yeah, theres too many cool parts by now, especially with all the new effects/styles they played with on V.E.
The Sleeper Chorus.
Hey everyone, I‘m new to the forums, a big Opeth and Katatonia fan.
So, I guess I‘ll be joining you!