THOSE musical moments


Jun 3, 2002
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You know there are those moments, parts of songs that make one just shiver, get one close to tears or some similar reaction? Cause of some instrumentation, notes, words?

I'd just like to see what kind of these things move you.

This came up cause I listened to Bathory - Through blood by thunder - and this intro really got me!

"For as long as the grass grows...
For as long as the stream flows...
And the sun shines down onto us...
Only they who walk amongst the clouds know
For how long the wind blows...
And the sky is blue above us..."

This voice and the guitars to it! Just chilling!

Waylander - Keen of knowledge

"Truth - the root of the tongue
Wisdom - the breath of speech
Secrets untold, guarded forever
Shares with only a gifted few

Serenity beyond definition
Tranquillity beyond words
Bold in righteousness
Valiant in justice

In the sacred grove at night time
Rites performed, so divine
Invoking the powers of the Gods
Within constraints of nature laws
And from the earth
And the air
And the universe
Gods are answering
Answer my call"

Just some I listened to recently :)
Thyrfing - Home Again
Borknagar - Colossus
Iced Earth - Consequences
Ensiferum - Token of Time + Little Dreamer
(gives me energy)
Opeth - Bleak, but basically all their albums! hehe
Embraced - The End And Here We All Die +
Memento Of Emotions
Otyg - Trollslottet

Uhm... I can't remember any more at the time...
But those songs kick so much arse!! It hurst!
I love it! Sometimes music is so powerfull it
makes me want to explode!

These songs are perfect all the way through,
but there are also loads of songs that only have
small details that make my skin crawl! I'll be sure
to put them in this thread when I re-discover
those moments! :o)
Eternal Tears of Sorrow's "the river flows frozen" is very emotional...
And there's a composition from the classic genre: "Elegy for Brown (E.M.)" from the film "Casualities of war"...That ones hard to stand without being near the tears...
Fates Warning - Still Remains (absolutely beautiful and such beautiful lyrics) :cry:
Death - Voice Of The Soul :cry: hail Chuck
Death - Destiny
Control Denied - The Fragile Art Of Existence
Motorpsycho - The Wheel
Testament - Return To Serenity/'Return To The Apocalyptic City' version (for my friend Lasse R.I.P.)
Borknagar - Colossus :)
Vintersorg - The Explorer
Vintersorg - The Enigmatic Spirit
Vintersorg - På Landet
Opeth - Forest of October (and the rest of the album, really)
My Dying Bride - Two Winters Only
The 3rd And The Mortal -Veiled Exposure (pure beauty)
Anathema - Angelica
Edge Of Sanity - The Last Song
Paradise Lost - Gothic
Porcupine Three (lots of songs)
Burzum - The Death Of Christ

and more - naturally...
Originally posted by Iceheart
Eternal Tears of Sorrow's "the river flows frozen" is very emotional...

DWD's going to agree with you on that one... but I won't.

For me, there aren't many things that'll bring me near tears, but...
Sonata Arctica - Letter to Dana, but only when I'm singing along... when I just listen, it doesn't seem to work. odd.
My Dying Bride - My Hope, the Destroyer. The part around 4 min (?) "You're still mine, my lover..."
Anathema - The Orphan.

a couple others, but I can't think of them right now...
-Forest of Shadows - Eternal Autumn (:cry: beautiful...listened to it everytime i feel like shit...)

-Amon Amarth - Victorious March (that intro with the 2 break downs OH MY GOD :eek: )

-Death - Voice of the Soul (:cry: beautiful, rest in peace chuck, one of the best metal instrumentals of all time)

-Vintersorg - Enigmatic Spirit ( a jester from hell and the shadows all mighty!!!!! I LOVE that chorus, so powerful)

-In Flames - The Jester Race (the final verse and the solo, beautiful and awe inspiring)

-Blind Guardian - Lost in the Twilight Hall (the whole song is just full of energy and very uplifting, chorus is amazing, always raises my spirits!)

-Suidakra - Wartunes (the section just after the intro with the clean it, chills everytime)

-Dark Tranquillity - Auctioned (the whole song is so emotional for me.....the end breaks my heart "did I miss the auction, where my life went under the club..." Ah.......

many many more but I wont bore you guys ;)
Opeth- "We Survey the scoooopes!!!" section in Advent
Emperor- The part in Empty where he screams "STARVING HIM INTO INSANITYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" and EVERYTHING stops except for his beautiful scream, gives me goosebumps just thinkign about it!
Summoning- All of Like some Snow-White Marble Eyes
Emperor- ALL of Icaros
Borknagar- Colossus
I could go on and on but thats enough...
How could I forget this.....
Siebenburgen- Ibi Lubavit Lamia
This is the last song off of their Grimjaur and is probably the most beautiful song I have ever heard. It makes me cry very often. It is A folk tune with acoustic guitars and female vocals and eventually becomes even more emotional with a heavy distorted section. I will now require that EVERYONE HEAR THIS SONG!!!! Find it, or contact me and I will personally send it to you over AIM, or email or something, it is a must hear.
Originally posted by Iceheart
Eternal Tears of Sorrow's "the river flows frozen" is very emotional...

Everytime I hear that song, I come so close to having a tear. I had to quote this because I do definitely agree (as Nomad said). It goes so deep down for me.

Other songs that do:
Savatage - Not What You See
Savatage - This isn't What We Meant
Savatage - If I Go Away
Savatage - Summer's Rain
Savatage - Strange Wings
Savatage - When the Crowds are Gone
Savatage - Edge of Thorns
Savatage - All That I Bleed
Savatage - Chance
Savatage - Alone You Breathe

Eternal Tears of Sorrow - The River Flows Frozen
Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Autumn's Grief
Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Bride of the Crimson Sea
Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Nocturnal Strains

Dream Theater - Pull Me Under
Dream Theater - Space-Dye Vest
Dream Theater - Through Her Words
Dream Theater - Through My Eyes
Dream Theater - Finally Free
Dream Theater - Home

Sonata Arctica - Letter to Dana
Sonata Arctica - Destruction Preventer
Sonata Arctica - My Land

Vintersorg - The Enigmatic Spirit
Vintersorg - A Dialogue With the Stars

Vinterland - Wings of Sorrow
Vinterland - A Winter Breeze
Vinterland - As I Behold the Dying Sun
Vinterland - So Far Beyond... (The Great Vastforest)
Vinterland - I'm Another in the Night

Ozzy Osbourne - Road to Nowhere
Ozzy Osbourne - Mama, I'm Coming Home
Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears
Ozzy Osbourne - Goodbye to Romance

Arch Enemy - Snowbound (Instrumental)

Rhapsody - Symphony of Enchanted Lands

Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight

Haggard - In a Pale Moon's Shadow

I'm sure there are many more... But I can't name them all.
menhir - Ziuwari especially Steinburg: "Dort wo in alten Zeiten Wotan einst...(don't understand the rest, unaudiable for me :) )

bathory - hammerheart(the song) and man of iron

thyrfing - the deceitful, Urkraft, The Break of Serenity, The Slumber of Yesteryears,

vintersorg - the enigmatic spirit

empyrium everything

tenhi everything

ulver - bergtatt

ensiferum - Token of Time (agreed blackspirit ;) )

blackmores nights - blackmores kingdom

Haggard - And Thou shalt trust... the Seer, Awaking the Centuries

suidakra - peregrin, ... and the Mistral left the mourning Valley

and many others which i can't think of now
Originally posted by Fleischwolf
empyrium everything

Haha, cool. ;)
There are some good moments on "Wintersunset". But since no-one knows the lyrics (except for one song), it's impossible to specify the passage. :lol:
arch enemy- song the: first deadly sin

emperor-album :prometheus

vintersorg-the end of the song cosmic genesis from 4:24 min.,mid part of the song till fjalls from 2:50 to 3:50 min

borknagar-the end of the song :gods of my world from 2:50 min

crest of darkness-end riff of the song :soulhunter

judas priest-the songs:sinner-raw deal-the ripper

opeth -middle part of song :demon of the fall from 2:15 to 3:50 min

nevermore-album :politics of ecstasy

atrox-the voice of monika edvardsen

metallica - the song: orion

gathering-the song :on most surfaces(inuit)and the song:liberty bell

slayer -intro of raining blood and middle riff of angel of death from 1.50 min

sepultura-beneath the remains album

death-album:spiritual healing

coroner-the song :nosferatu and the album:mental vortex.

nocturnus-the album:the key

and the list goes on forever.................

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: