Best guitar solos?

There is an amazing solo on the last Samael's album (well, it was 5 years ago), in the Supra Karma song. A few month ago at the concert in Paris I was eager to hear it... but they played the song without the solo!

Joe Satriani - Why
Gary Moore - Over the Hills and Far Away
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Voodoo Chile
Stevie Salas - Moving through sound
Al di Meola - Shaking the spirits
Steve Vai - There's a fire in the house
Yngwie Malmsteen - Black Star
Eric Johnson - Venus Isle
Nuno Bettencourt - Pornograffiti

I know, they are all shredders, but we are talking about solos, aren't we?
yous should listen to tyrant by priest. some excellent solos there. ace stuff i'm telling you...
a line that makes me shiver is the beggining of Estranged-Guns n' roses.

i love the solo of Tooth and Nail-Dokken
and the solos of Iron maiden.

And most solos out of Scenes from a memory-Dream Theater.

and i especially have a love towards the Sleepless great technique or such stuff,but primitive aggression.Heroic!
no great technique eh? what the fuck. i never saw someone pre-bending (like bending first and then hitting the string) like him. he has the feeling to play that note right.
and he has feeeeeeeeeeeeeling. ...GOD!
kerry and danny need to see their guitar to play. and they cant play while having a ciggie. and they dont drink jack daniels.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
danny and slash cant headbang and wear spikes like kerry king tho.

I buried Guns n Roses, but the solo on November Rain Kicks !!!

At first I didnt liked solos to much, but recently I love them, my votes go for:

Slayer solos :hotjump:
Iron Maiden solos :)

at this moment of the night 12:59 dont remember more :erk: