Best ITB Gate Plugin


Jun 20, 2007

Yeah so im wondering what you're experience is with ITB gates and which one you like the most? I just recently mixed an awesome sounding snare but as usual the bleed can be a bit tricky and mess things up. Even using sidechain gate triggered by the samples used.

So any suggestions?
I'm looking at trying out McDSP ML4000 as it lets you multi-band gate so you can set the highs tight to get attack without hat spill and the lows with a longer release to keep the sustain. Hoping it comes up in a black friday deal.
for drums: trigger 2 gate (can be used without triggering!)
for guitars: revalver 3 "shut up" gate
for percise stuff with pre-open: reagate
Usually ReaGate is my go-to, because I barely spend $ on plugins considering I've never made a single dime from it. Though I normally chop out any unwanted stuff by hand, I've found that a quick gate on a noisy, grindy bass guitar track actually works decently well instead of having to get in and chop between every single chug/mute.