Best lineup?

Tell us you're dream lineup?

  • Total voters
Despite his clockwork habits ... I miss Danny's solo's ... he ruled on SOWN... do the math (had to get that one in).

But ROB is great too - looks funny now with hair and no mohawk.

THERE YOU HAVE IT - the best lineup was when they all had long hair (or even hair!) ...HAHAHAHA... (images of Scott with a shaven NOT on his chest hair!)
Matt Bello said:
Bush won the debate 32 against 5 for Belladonna and 1 for Turbin... enough said!!
The TRUE fans have spoke

I doubt that 38 voters on an Internet board are really representative.
aliasp said:
Despite his clockwork habits ... I miss Danny's solo's ... he ruled on SOWN... do the math (had to get that one in).

But ROB is great too - looks funny now with hair and no mohawk.

THERE YOU HAVE IT - the best lineup was when they all had long hair (or even hair!) ...HAHAHAHA... (images of Scott with a shaven NOT on his chest hair!)
I used to have a pic of SOD with Freddy and it looked like Freddy had just shaved shoved Scott's chest - bolld dripping too. :headbang:
What is the frigging deal with Anthrax not coming out and just letting us know what it going on with this reunion? I was thinking hard on it and... If they get back with Joey, it no longer gives them ANY credibility as a band that has a future. They will just be another novelty band trying to cash in on the past, with NO regard for loyalty, just money. Anthrax has always had an element of cheesy-ness (is that a word??), that John helped get rid of when he joined. The only good that'll happen if this goes, is a possible new Armored Saint cd/tour. PS. Scott Ian is riding on his drummers guitar licks/riffs. Get rid of him for a tour if anyone.

Just my 2 cents on this whole thing after reading all your posts.
Mr.s8n said:
What is the frigging deal with Anthrax not coming out and just letting us know what it going on with this reunion? I was thinking hard on it and... If they get back with Joey, it no longer gives them ANY credibility as a band that has a future. They will just be another novelty band trying to cash in on the past, with NO regard for loyalty, just money. Anthrax has always had an element of cheesy-ness (is that a word??), that John helped get rid of when he joined. The only good that'll happen if this goes, is a possible new Armored Saint cd/tour. PS. Scott Ian is riding on his drummers guitar licks/riffs. Get rid of him for a tour if anyone.

Just my 2 cents on this whole thing after reading all your posts.

I recognize that. You sent it to
Matt Bello said:
Bush won the debate 32 against 5 for Belladonna and 1 for Turbin... enough said!!
The TRUE fans have spoke

Yeah thats because everyone that is on this board is a nu anthrax fan. None of the old school Anthrax fans that were with ANthrax when they were an arena band are on this board. They lost interest when Anthrax changed their style when John came on board

Go take a poll on any true metal forum and see what you will get
jdelpi said:
I recognize that. You sent it to

Yea, I didn't get a response and with the site down, figured I would post it here as well and see what happens.

Oh and ironmaidenfan09 seen 'em with Joey and John. No comparison. John kicks his ass.
Hello guys,

First off I’m a long, long time lurker on this forum and haven’t felt the urge to post until now. I have though posted in the past on the old forums.

I have been an Anthrax fan for a long time now, since the “Among The Living” lineup I love Anthrax both old and current. The difference is that lineup of Anthrax is one of my favorite bands and the current lineup (and I refuse to think of it as any different until I here it from the mouths of Scott and Charlie) with John singing is my favorite band.

While I loved the band with Joey singing, I love them even more with John, they matured sound wise to become in my opinion one of the best hard rock/metal bands today. Having had the opportunity to see Joey at the House of Blues in Cleveland a while back I can without any doubt in my mind say that, bringing him back to the band will be nothing but a HUGE step back for the band and a big FU to myself and all the other Anthrax fans like me who supported Anthrax during the Bush era and bought the Greater of Two Evils cd.

If I want nostalgia I’ll pop Among The Living or Persistance of Time into my cd player for a few days, I won’t spend any money on a live show of a band who told me to F off by taking back their vocalist who just doesn’t have the vocal chops anymore and even when he did was not as good as the current guy.

I don’t want nostalgia, I want Anthrax to continue on and make another killer album with John singing.
GregadetH said:
I won't vote. All lineups were the best at what they did at the time they existed.
Actually i like most of there newer stuff but i don't really like the line up.
manthatfollowshell said:
Hello guys,

First off I’m a long, long time lurker on this forum and haven’t felt the urge to post until now. I have though posted in the past on the old forums.

I have been an Anthrax fan for a long time now, since the “Among The Living” lineup I love Anthrax both old and current. The difference is that lineup of Anthrax is one of my favorite bands and the current lineup (and I refuse to think of it as any different until I here it from the mouths of Scott and Charlie) with John singing is my favorite band.

While I loved the band with Joey singing, I love them even more with John, they matured sound wise to become in my opinion one of the best hard rock/metal bands today. Having had the opportunity to see Joey at the House of Blues in Cleveland a while back I can without any doubt in my mind say that, bringing him back to the band will be nothing but a HUGE step back for the band and a big FU to myself and all the other Anthrax fans like me who supported Anthrax during the Bush era and bought the Greater of Two Evils cd.

If I want nostalgia I’ll pop Among The Living or Persistance of Time into my cd player for a few days, I won’t spend any money on a live show of a band who told me to F off by taking back their vocalist who just doesn’t have the vocal chops anymore and even when he did was not as good as the current guy.

I don’t want nostalgia, I want Anthrax to continue on and make another killer album with John singing.

Anthrax suck. Their not even trash anymore like back in the day with all the heaviness and clockwork precise and tite guitar solos and power-metal screams. Long live the 80's!

This forum sorely needs some new subjects to discuss...
ironmaidenfan09 said:
Yeah thats because everyone that is on this board is a nu anthrax fan. None of the old school Anthrax fans that were with ANthrax when they were an arena band are on this board. They lost interest when Anthrax changed their style when John came on board

Go take a poll on any true metal forum and see what you will get

:lol: :lol: That's pretty fuckin true.
ironmaidenfan09 said:
Yeah thats because everyone that is on this board is a nu anthrax fan. None of the old school Anthrax fans that were with ANthrax when they were an arena band are on this board. They lost interest when Anthrax changed their style when John came on board

Go take a poll on any true metal forum and see what you will get

Wow! You claim to know a LOT about a bunch of people you don't even know!

What exactly is a "true metal forum"? Can you show me? Does Iron Maiden's count?