Best looking male

Judging someone blindly on their beliefs is fucking retarded. So fuck Varg. Im not a christian.. but I know some who are, and they're cool. In fact, I've got more cool Christian friends than I do pagan friends... all religions are pretty stupid anyways.. fighting and killing and causing chaos just for your beliefs is very fucking moronic... and pretty much everything that's wrong with the world today. I dont like Otyg, Im sure some of you do.. Im not gonna burn down your house because of it. Im not Christian [agnostic/nihilist], Im sure some of you are.. Im not gonna kill you because of it... I dont give a fuck. The fact some of you condone his actions and are like "how noble" is mind-boggling.


And page 5 is OWNED.
Burning the churches down and desecrating graves makes the people who do those deeds no better than the earlier Christians who forcibly converted their people. If people are intolerant of others' religions, how can they expect others to be tolerant of theirs?

It would also be quite catastrophic and illogical for everyone to show "vengence on behalf of ancestors" now. People would be running around doing terrible things to others who are innocent, as almost every civilization has had hardship and oppression thrust upon them by other religions or peoples. For most peoples, the revenge would be centuries too late, and the individuals who perpetrated the crimes are long gone and dead by now.

Still, people do these things. Fighting and killing innocents in the name of beliefs is quite pointless, but humanity has done since for centuries... and it is probably not going to stop any time soon.

Originally posted by FatherVic
@mousewings: actually, in his words, you are one of those deceptive races of humans :p
Hmm... I have not read a lot of Varg's opinions... what does that actually mean? :/

Originally posted by HellSpawn
Varg are in a prison right beside my school...
and I have seen him at a shop right beside... kinda weird to see someone who is a prisoner, go with two guards in a shop...
:eek: Freaky! Is it a maximum security prison? If so, be very careful (as an understatement) if any of the inmates escape, especially the really mentally ill ones.
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
Someones once showed me a photo of Varg in a book, it was taken when he was already in prison, with one remark: "Hey, that's you!"

And yeah, damn, that guy looked like me with longer hair... even tho it's stupid to say that, it's something I'd feel ashamed about, being compared to him, and may it just be in the appearance :(

For good, my beard's denser now, and my hair looks different now than back then...

Getting back to the topic...

Wow! AnsuzAstral, you must be very gorgeous! :)
@mousewings...well you are not arian precisely, thus you are an inferior race....not bad necesarily , but inferior to the "true heathen". Someone have seen the graph he draw about the "heathen way of live"??? that's something so simple only a dumb could have done....even I consider Varg a quite intelligent individual...

@thanatos: nah! the face it's not viewed there, only one eye...and man, I got scared :p
Originally posted by J the TyranT
Judging someone blindly on their beliefs is fucking retarded. So fuck Varg. Im not a christian.. but I know some who are, and they're cool. In fact, I've got more cool Christian friends than I do pagan friends... all religions are pretty stupid anyways.. fighting and killing and causing chaos just for your beliefs is very fucking moronic... and pretty much everything that's wrong with the world today. I dont like Otyg, Im sure some of you do.. Im not gonna burn down your house because of it. Im not Christian [agnostic/nihilist], Im sure some of you are.. Im not gonna kill you because of it... I dont give a fuck. The fact some of you condone his actions and are like "how noble" is mind-boggling.

well, burning down sacred places and killing people is exactly what christians have done in europe 1000 years ago! the pagan religions are in fact the most peaceful ones! because we don't spread our believes to other peoples! paganism is very much about nature and it's impact on mankind!
as for the racial issue i say: yes, pagan beliefs are bound to certain peoples! like the nordic is bound to the germanic people, the native american is bound to the indians and so on. if the people would be gone, the culture would be as well! but it'S not like we hate other races! i respect them aswell as i expect them to respect our culture! and if a foreigner wants to join us i'd say: it's ok if he really relates to our believes and culture! so if varg adores the third reich and the nazis i say aswell, fuck him! that has nothing to do with paganism! i'd rather enjoy nature and peace of mind then go out and beat up some foreigner!
I wasnt condoning Christians actions eitherr... but at least the Crusades and Inquisition was centuries ago.. whereas psycho norweigan pagans were just burning churches "recently".

It's really ashaming that the deeds of some idiots are a shame for all pagans, in that case... I personally feel nothing but disgust for people like Virkenes and the likes. Because they're doing wrong - and also because statements like the one above come out of this :( It's absolutely nothing against you J, but this is because many people here are hostile towards people that say they're pagan.

I don't even hold a gruge against christians, as long as they stay out of my privacy and don't try to convert me or something the like, or want to do something about my friends...
I just.. I dunno.. pagan people can be cool as all hell if they want. Just that whole belief system makes me wonder too much. Plus, I dated this one psycho bitch who thought she was some kinda pagan, wiccan.. something or other... and.. she was a lunatic, so hence, that didnt leave me with the best rendered image.


Helvete till slynor.
It is disgusting that Varg gives paganism a bad name by equating it with hatred of other religions and people. It is not what any kind of paganism (from any country or peoples) is about.

I respect other people's decisions to worship as they choose. I also don't dislike the people who practice other religions, as long as individuals do not try to agressively convert me or think they are better than me on the basis of their religion.

I think Varg's idea of racial superiority is ridiculous. Human genes are 99.5% similar in makeup with only .5% causing differences such as race, gender, etc. There is more of a genetic difference between each individual than between race. Non-"Aryan" races are also hardly "inferior", as they created many crucial inventions that changed civilization including paper, numerals, and gunpowder.

@FatherVic: Thanks for the explanation of Varg's idea.
mousewings: Varg is a perfect politician, he knows how to make extremes sound reasonable and justifiable to many pple, he's got definately a twisted tongue... and all along with that he says it's pagan... And all this heathen front bullshit as well - as if paganism would be something about an organisation :(

Death penalty is somehow misplaced sometimes, but it would be well placed with Mr. Virkenes. (even tho, I do not favor death penalty in most cases.)
Originally posted by Thanatos
What really makes me laugh when I think of it is Varg's real(first) name: Kristian.

Hehe, thought about the same. But Varg doesn't exactly make a better pagan name, not in nor. anyway: Whenever he steps into a heathen sacred place, he'll be a "varg i veum"!! -Which means a traitor, someone who'll ruin the sacred place, like for instance a christian! Wonder if he ever thought of that. That way Varg is no better than Christian! :p :lol:
Originally posted by mousewings
It is disgusting that Varg gives paganism a bad name by equating it with hatred of other religions and people. It is not what any kind of paganism (from any country or peoples) is about.

I respect other people's decisions to worship as they choose. I also don't dislike the people who practice other religions, as long as individuals do not try to agressively convert me or think they are better than me on the basis of their religion.

I think Varg's idea of racial superiority is ridiculous. Human genes are 99.5% similar in makeup with only .5% causing differences such as race, gender, etc. There is more of a genetic difference between each individual than between race. Non-"Aryan" races are also hardly "inferior", as they created many crucial inventions that changed civilization including paper, numerals, and gunpowder.

well, but then again we' differ 2% just percent from the ape and look how different we are! man and insect even don't differ that much from each other in genetic terms!
i'm not a racist or so, but i just dislike this "we're all the same" PC-propaganda-crap! we're definitely NOT the same! that what makes different cultures and peoples! i'd hate it if i'd go to japan and see the same meltingpot mixed up "culture" like in L.A.! why would i travel then at all? i realize a lot of difference in behavior, customs and of course in looks by talking for instance to an italian or spanish! and even much more by talking to a non-european, an arab, chinese, or indian! but that is the great thing about talking to foreign people! some people want to force those differences by force into one shape by creating a meltingpot! and just as the name inplies all the great features of the different cultures and people get melted away while they are fit into the "multicultural McDonalds-MTV-Coke"shape! multiculturalism makes no culture at all, look at america! and when times get harder it causes unrest instead of moving people closer to each other! just look at the balkans, or the middle east!
i'm sorry if i talked a little much about that, i just wanted to share my views!

as for the inventions of the non-aryan peoples, there is this atlantis-theory! of course it is oil on the flames of whitesuprimacy idiots, but some of it does make sence! i don't think that white people gave the gunpowder to the chinese! but in southamerica this theory makes some sence! there a statue of a white man was found, he was whoreshipped as a god(ouch) and the indios still know stories of white men with beards coming by ships long before the spanish conquistadores have arived! again this doesn't justify any whitesuprimacy theories! it is just some sientific facts! well, i don't have to stress that i'm no racist again, i love guys of no-european descent like belial or mousewings just as much as the rest! it's just a discussion so you're welcome to share your view!:D :) :D :)
It's funny how the AHF denies any kind of racism but still support Varg, sells his books and music and also Graveland's.

Personally i don't mind if a band's nazi, racist or not.. if i enjoy the music so be it... they won't convert me so i don't worry too much :p

Originally posted by FatherVic
Someone have seen the graph he draw about the "heathen way of live"???
which one is it?

i've only seen one about music which is really stupid :lol: -->


astarte what do you know about the atlantis theory! ketzaquatel(if he is spelled like this)

the AHF never denied racism, the just deniey that they are a white pride movement! they have the theory of the pureness of the (germanic) blood, of "blood and Soil"!
not much, somebody must stir my memories 'cause the only thing i remember about the Atlantis is that it may have been placed in the Andes but other than that... :confused: :cry:

hmm... i should have been more specific, this is what i meant : "This domain in no way promote racial hatred or prejudice, senseless acts of violence or crime (as you easily can find out for yourself)."

I admit that sometimes i do feel jealous because we don't have much to be proud of, for we never had a culture of our own, so i understand when aryans brag about their race :D :p
well, the atlantis theory says, that atlantis is the origin of the aryan race! it sunk 10000 years ago and from there aryans have brought culture to other peoples(which i don't believe as a whole, even though there may be some truth in it)! some say that they build the pyramids or eldorado! in fact it is not known! what seems to be true though, is that they traveled to south america, where the natives whorshipped them as "the white gods"! and they have this statue of a white man, they call "ketzaquatel"! well, maybe someone else knows something about that!

atlantis in the andes? no, atlantis was an island! it may have been placed somewhere in the north sea, but no one knows!
Originally posted by Fleischwolf
atlantis in the andes? no, atlantis was an island! it may have been placed somewhere in the north sea, but no one knows!
there's a theory that says it may have been in the Altiplano (? Bolivia), the investigation has discovered a lot of evidence to support the theory... i saw it in the Discovery Channel :cool: