Best looking male

Fleischwolf, my friend, i think you misunderstood or the site doesn't explain it very well :confused: (i haven't read it)

The scientifics used Plato's description as a guide and discovered it fits in the Andes... maybe ;)
Originally posted by Fleischwolf
i'm not a racist or so, but i just dislike this "we're all the same" PC-propaganda-crap! we're definitely NOT the same! that what makes different cultures and peoples! i'd hate it if i'd go to japan and see the same meltingpot mixed up "culture" like in L.A.! why would i travel then at all? i realize a lot of difference in behavior, customs and of course in looks by talking for instance to an italian or spanish!

Fleischwolf, most of the differences you mentioned are cultural. Take a baby from one culture and transplant him/her to a different one (that would be accepting of any physical differences) and he/her would have very little left of his/her erlier culture.

Now, genetically, there are some differences that actually make a bit of differences (besides someone's race/hair/etc). For example, Kenyans and Nigerians, as a whole are better long distance runners than the rest of the world. Some of it is cultural because they (I think) have to do a lot more long distance travelling by foot, but it's also because they have a larger percentage of slow acting muscles than, say, me, who has a lot of fast acting (sprinting) muscles.

But even that example is pretty flawed, because even within other cultures, there's quite a bit of variety in the musculurature... hell, my brother's a long-distance runner...
let me put it that way: each race has some abbilities that others don't have! neglecting them for the sake of racial equalitiy is ridicilous! however it is something completly different to hate people of foreign descent for their differences!
There are cultural differences in people... this is not necessarily a bad thing either... the cultures (ancient and modern) of others and my own are incredibly fascinating...

Here in Canada, there is more of a "mosaic" than a "melting pot". People are encouraged to keep their cultural traditions and customs. That is why I love it here, and everyone gets along pretty well (even surprisingly so), too. In my opinion, the Canadian idea is better than the "melting pot", as it allows people to keep their customs and be proud of where they are from (but not arrogant and believing they are better than others). The "melting pot" does makes some people not know who they are and their roots, which could possibly lead to alienation.

Anyways that is just my opinion. :)

Originally posted by Fleischwolf

i love guys of no-european descent like belial or mousewings just as much as the rest! it's just a discussion so you're welcome to share your view

I'm not a guy, I'm female. :) Cool, someone loves me... :grin: :) That is good that the people in the DT forum and here like me; I'm used to getting ignored or being barely tolerated in most other forums. :)

As for the second:

It is great that we can intelligently share our opinions here and not have a lot of negativity. I just felt like mentioning that out of happiness and relief since I visited the bridge (the DMB place) a while ago. Some of the people there turn anything that resembles an intelligent discussion, or even just everyday topics, into a 300+ post long(!) flame war that results in lots of personal attacks and ignorant comments being made.

I'm am very happy to have found this place and the DT forum. I love you all... :)
Yeah, I like expressing my feelings too, but on this subject I don't know what to say. I don't really have much of an opinion on it. I don't think I'm better than anyone, or that anyone is better than me. And I don't ever believe that someone who believes in something different is wrong. I guess I'm confused.

The DMB place? What's that? Dave Matthews Band place? :confused: We don't need "The Hate Pit", we got the "Opeth forum"... :lol: :grin: :D
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead

The DMB place? What's that? Dave Matthews Band place? :confused: We don't need "The Hate Pit", we got the "Opeth forum"... :lol: :grin: :D

Yes, it is the Dave Matthews Band forum. (I don't like the band, but I do go there). I'm not sure why I go there, but I sometimes do.
@aegis : faut croire qu'on est au moins deux :) en fait je suis un exilé de la board de Sinergy :) je m'ennuyais :(
Originally posted by mousewings
There are cultural differences in people... this is not necessarily a bad thing either... the cultures (ancient and modern) of others and my own are incredibly fascinating...

Here in Canada, there is more of a "mosaic" than a "melting pot". People are encouraged to keep their cultural traditions and customs. That is why I love it here, and everyone gets along pretty well (even surprisingly so), too. In my opinion, the Canadian idea is better than the "melting pot", as it allows people to keep their customs and be proud of where they are from (but not arrogant and believing they are better than others). The "melting pot" does makes some people not know who they are and their roots, which could possibly lead to alienation.

Anyways that is just my opinion. :)

well, i recently got to know some canadians and before they mentioned that they are canadian, i thought they were american! there wasn't even the slightest difference in behavior or how they talked! well, maybe their accent was slightly different, but i couldn't tell! they were just about the same hip-hop-styled coool acting blokes like you see them on every us-high school! when a guy, who's not gay, by the way, tried to put his arm around one ( i guess in a friendly way) the canadian guy asked me:" is that a european(!! he didn't even say 'austrian' pfff!) thing for guys to touch each other? in canada we don't do that, when i left for europe, it was the first time in years, that i huged my dad!"
man, those guys were really..odd! ok, i don't believe, that all canadians are like this, i just wanted to tell a story here!
i don't think, that canadians and americans are that different like for instance swedes and spaniards! someone might want to add his opinion here!
Originally posted by HellSpawn
ok, this is not exaclty the topic anymore but anyways, here are two different interweivs with Varg(sorry only in norwegian) in mp3 format

First interveiw
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

maybe someone with more time then me could trenselate them? :)

EY!!! Hehehe... Thanks for posting that!
I had no idea he is from Bergen! LOL! >:oP
And..hehe.... what a rediculous "warning"
at the start of the show!? How old is this?!
The way the reporter is trying to be serious
and "hard" is! >:oP Hehehe....
Then you have Varg's tiny little voice! Hihi >:o)
I'm only through the first part, but I'm
already looking forward to the next bit!
ok,i will waste some of the space on my harddisc....*downloading the first part*
I want to laugh a bit,though i doubt i will understand something more than a few words here and there
I have heard another part of a Varg-intervju in english and it was amusing :grin:
@astarte: hehehehehe that one!!!!!!!! :lol:
I mean, how someone could draw that diagram and still believe he's somehow serious????
it's just like he thought "ehmmmm too much words without drawings, I should make a nick drawing of my ideas to complement the stuff" and well it's something that even the less idiotic guy would sent to the dustbin just after drawing it!!!! :grin: