Best Metal Album Released This Year?

Is it just me, or does Scar Symmetry sound a lot like Raunchy minus the industrial effects?

I retract my earlier statements regarding the new Drudkh album. I've been listening to this thing more and it's growing on me. Very epic, powerful stuff. Time will tell if I like it better than their earlier stuff. Nevertheless, it's a good album.
Cythraul said:
I retract my earlier statements regarding the new Drudkh album. I've been listening to this thing more and it's growing on me. Very epic, powerful stuff. Time will tell if I like it better than their earlier stuff. Nevertheless, it's a good album.

its got great moments but its signifficantly less interesting than their first two albums and only marginally better than the third
Hamock said:

its got great moments but its signifficantly less interesting than their first two albums and only marginally better than the third

Well I'm definitely not prepared to say it's any better than their other stuff but I'm just saying it's a good album. I said it sucked before. It definitely doesn't suck.
Doomcifer said:
Agalloch hasnt even been released yet, so I dont know why the fuck people are even listing it.

No offense but that just makes you seem really fucking dumb or LEAKED. This is the age of Internet music. Get over it.
Cythraul said:
Well I'm definitely not prepared to say it's any better than their other stuff but I'm just saying it's a good album. I said it sucked before. It definitely doesn't suck.
EH 6.5/10
Erik said:

I have closed ONE Holly thread

If you have any other problems, feel free to tell them to my fucking face (that means PM) and I'll see what I can do about it. If you can point me to a thread I have closed that you feel I should not have closed, make a good argument for it and I will open it. Just don't stand around and spout "uuugh this forum used to be so much better before nazi erik :(" bullshit, because it accomplishes precisely not a shit. Thanks.

youve got mail