Best metal concert you've been to?

hmmmm samael/dimmu borgir was good
emperor/peccatum was good too
impaled nazarene/children of bodom was great
amorphis was amazing(tho the lights went out many times)
cannibal corpse was amazing too
those are my favorite concerts
oh yeah
the iron maiden one was great too
seeing opeth last year at quart was pretty amazing, though the concert was short..inferno this year was great..haven't been to all that many metal concerts other than that (dream theater this year was kinda sucky)
I'm guessing decibel this year will be neat, and tool at norwegian wood..

Originally posted by HellSpawn

WHAT THE FUCK!??!?! are you insane boy!!??? :eek:

but then I guess you dont like DT...?
'cuz if you do, you really are insane.... :D

Not their biggest fan, no. Dream Theater are ok, I did pay to see them for a reason (and also for no reason I really dislike them).
The concert at spektrum didn't leave me with much, I just stood there waiting for it to end, and that's really not how it's suppose to be at concerts. I guess it was OK..and kinda sucky.

Originally posted by Blackspirit

If I'm not wrong I think avskum is a chick?
And if I'm not wrong, again, I think avskum
is her nick on mIRC as well? >:eek:P

Originally posted by Blackspirit

If I'm not wrong I think avskum is a chick?
And if I'm not wrong, again, I think avskum
is her nick on mIRC as well? >:eek:P

From the name I'd first think that this was a male creature, but oh well.... Kinda sounds like smth my brother could have called himself. -When he was half as old as he is now.... Oh, well.

@avskum: Jeg er sikker på at du ikke bærer nicket ditt 100% med rette :) ( :p )