The first time...

Originally posted by DeadWinterDead

@Fjell: I know it takes time, I just don't like where I am at this particular point in my life. It all seems so sad. Have you ever seen the movie Gladiator? I saw it finally, this weekend. And it was so beautiful. The end must have been the saddest thing I've seen, but it made so much sense. He just wanted to be with his family whom cared about him so much. You have to see it.

Nah, I haven't seen it, but I've wanted to. I just don't have a video player, and I haven't had the opportunity to yet.

Anyway, I hope things work out for you soon. Best wishes! :)
I didn't think he deserved that, he was so lonely, his father preferred Maximus (was that Russel Crowe's character? I don't remember very well) over him, his sister hated and feared him, was it his fault to turn so bitter and evil??? :waah: :waah: ... :rolleyes:
Gladiator was a nice movie, yeah. But it was a bit strange this end, why would any caesar step into an arena to fight man to man? Well... but it was a good movie, indeed :grin: (I am always cheering the Germans in the beginning, hoping that they would at least one time wipe the floor with thos Romans ;) :grin: :grin: They looked pretty funny, those German guys :lol: )
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
why would any caesar step into an arena to fight man to man?

They did actually, of course they manipulate those who they were fighting with. In the movie it was a little example they got wounded before the fight. Often they were left without food for many days before the fight, etc... anything that made sure that the Caesar will win.So the end wasn't strange. Ceasar was still jealous of Maximus, even after M. was a Gladiator, M. had the people behind him. Something that the Caesar didn't like at all. So he wanted that it look like him Caesar ist the strongest, the greatest...

Edit... getting off topic, aren't we :grin: maybe we should move the talk over to the movie thread... :grin:
M? Where was M in that movie? :grin: And while wondering, I didn't saw Bond, James Bond, there as well, nor Moneypenny :lol:

Okok, but I do doubt that this roman emperor would have done that, actually, there were several emperors (to get away from cesar, it gives headaches to hold apart the man and the title...) who even forbode those gladiatorial games, and most of the rest despised them (those were no good politicians anyway ;) )
coming back to the topic (sorry :cry: ) i was about to go to a tristania / rotting christ / vintersorg / madder mortem gig and i was wondring what was vintersorg....never hears of it before, and never heard of it here in France except for i downloaded somme songs and enjoyed it =) the gig was great too, especially fun when Vintersorg broke a string from his bass =)
Originally posted by Final_Vision

wow you sound very much like me, sept the difference is i dont take it so hard on myself, I belive everything in life must happen naturally, not forced. You gotta be yourself, unless you feel you need a change, than you have to act. If your unhappy with yourself, act my friend! What am I doing this summer, im a bit unhappy with my physique, so im going to the gym with my friend over the summer, so I can lose a few pounds and get buff, so that i may beat up the Nagus when i go in July :D. Theres always a way out man, you just have to act. Do what you need to do man, your a nice enough guy and things will work out for you if you want them too. Thing is people need a base to work off of, youve got your personality down, from what ive seen your a great guy. Now, whatever else you feel is wrong with your life you have to change, I hope things work for you man, i need to make a life adjustment myself, perhaps ill see you on the other end :)

Final_Vision (attempting to help)

Thanks dude. I'll try that. As for now, my friends have helped me gather up a plan for this girl's birthday. I'm gonna get some pink roses, think of something nice to say, explain what I like about her, and ask her to go out with me. Most people are hoping it works out for me.

@Fjell: Thanks, wishes come true if you know how to wish. :)

@Morg: Russel Crowe is one of my favorite actors too.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
wow you sound very much like me, sept the difference is i dont take it so hard on myself, I belive everything in life must happen naturally, not forced. You gotta be yourself, unless you feel you need a change, than you have to act. If your unhappy with yourself, act my friend! What am I doing this summer, im a bit unhappy with my physique, so im going to the gym with my friend over the summer, so I can lose a few pounds and get buff, so that i may beat up the Nagus when i go in July :D. Theres always a way out man, you just have to act. Do what you need to do man, your a nice enough guy and things will work out for you if you want them too. Thing is people need a base to work off of, youve got your personality down, from what ive seen your a great guy. Now, whatever else you feel is wrong with your life you have to change, I hope things work for you man, i need to make a life adjustment myself, perhaps ill see you on the other end :)

Final_Vision (attempting to help)
excellent point :)
i wish it was that easy though... maybe i'm just lazy :p