Best Metal Guitarist?

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I find it funny that everyone who posts from Ohio is a fucking moron. Except Ozzman I guess, but whatever.

This must mean you've nothing to support anything in contradiction to my claim. lol

I do realize Iommi gwts his unfounded praise here, but he got none on the last board I was on.
This must mean you've nothing to support anything in contradiction to my claim. lol

I do realize Iommi gwts his unfounded praise here, but he got none on the last board I was on.

I shouldn't have to come up with reasons to nullify your ignorant comment. You are trying to make fact of something that 99.9% of music fans disagree with. Not to mention, he doesn't play a wall of power chords you fucking tard, they are called RIFFS, you know, what metal lives and dies for. Once you come up with legit reasons as to why you think Iommi should be dethroned as metal's king I'll reply.

Was just messing. I don't have a problem with you.
Michael Angelo Batio...hands down. I don't know how to embed YouTube videos, but it's worth a click to watch a man play two Flying V's at the same time. Not sure if anybody's posted him already or not, only comparable shredder in my mind is Buckethead.

Great shredder, but terrible guitarist. No matter how hard you jerk, it's still wanking.
I shouldn't have to come up with reasons to nullify your ignorant comment. You are trying to make fact of something that 99.9% of music fans disagree with. Not to mention, he doesn't play a wall of power chords you fucking tard, they are called RIFFS, you know, what metal lives and dies for. Once you come up with legit reasons as to why you think Iommi should be dethroned as metal's king I'll reply.

x fuckin' infinity

tony iommi is a god, I have a picture of him at heaven and hell as my cell phone wallpaper :cool:


Whatever board that was must really suck. Thanks for help making this place suck also.

You're most welcome, anything I can do to make a big huddled group of morons stop worshipping 70s pop music. :)

"he doesn't play a wall of power chords you fucking tard, they are called RIFFS"

Yes, riffs full of power chords, "Moron". Can't dethrone someone who doesn't hold the throne. :)

?so, thinking like ya, B.B. King is nothing too?

In what sense? Do you honestly think he should be mentioned on the basis of technicality? IF so then yes, nothingness. As a song writer? Well that's another story. :) but yor post hoc hypthesis is odd. If the guy from NecroPhagist is better than Toni....wait....who said Toni was better than BB King? I am purely asking for clairification.....or is this because you too are a Toni fanboy?
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