best movie?

I watched Session 9 and stopped maybe halfway through it. All the people I know that have seen have yelled at me for doing this. So...eventually I'll make an effort to re-watch it.
mine are:

natural born killers
eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
sleepy hollow
big fish
being john malkovic
pearl harbor
almost famous
the interview with the vampire
andofcourse memento
WOO Eternal Sunshine. If I were a little less lazy and actually made a list, I'd probably rank it in the top 5 or 10. One of the most believable love stories, but I haven't seen Before Sunrise or Before Sunset which I hear are absolutely brilliant films in terms of the love story that they portray.
Shawshank Redemption
Green Mile
I also agree with Requiem for a Dream. I definately couldn't watch that again.

However no recent movies really had me thinking after the movie was over.

Although the movie Hostel, (American Pie: Slovakian vacation, everyone dies, hehe) as cheesy as was the first hour of the movie. There were a couple scenes that haunted my brain for a bit. Example, the chinese girl getting half her face blow torched off and her rescuer having to cut her hanging eyeball off with a rusty utensil and then comes the yellow goo spewing forth from her socket. As well as the part where she finally realizes what she looks like and throws herself in front of a train. I think I would've done the same.
umm... lets see... I love the Blade series... i liked both Saw movies... Underworld and Underworld: Evolution... and then House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects... Boondock Saints... and then funny stuff like Anchorman... and Wedding Crashers.

As far as movies that make you think after its over... Stigmata had me thinking a lot after it... and i can't think of any others off the top of my head.
SirDidymus127 said:
umm... lets see... I love the Blade series... i liked both Saw movies... Underworld and Underworld: Evolution... and then House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects... Boondock Saints... and then funny stuff like Anchorman... and Wedding Crashers.

As far as movies that make you think after its over... Stigmata had me thinking a lot after it... and i can't think of any others off the top of my head.

QFT, all great
Crash was good, Requiem for a Dream is one of my favourites, didnt like either of the Underworld movies. Anchormam was good. Pi, se7en, 13 monkeys, fight club, pearls before swine are some more favourites of mine. This thread needs more asian love.

Ichi the Killer
Suicide Circle
Battle Royale
Haha. Did you know that they are making an American remake of Battle Royale? I think New Line is the company that has picked it up. Has anyone seen Save the Green Planet? A weird and AWESOME Korean film.