best movie?

Powerslave said:
most of the movies i was going to list have already been mentioned, one has not:

Sympathy For Lady Vengeance

this film completely rocked my world. just watch it, anything i say will be insufficient.

oh man I'm so gay for chan wook park
One-Hour Photo, Dogma, The Shining, Dog Soldiers, A Clockwork Orange, Vertigo, Rope, Psycho (such Hitchcock-love) ... gahh, and The Devil's Backbone. i love that movie so.

PI is so crazy.
more movies now should be shot in black&white
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: The Rivah City, VA
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Originally Posted by Mike
crash was pretty good

Wrong answer. "

how constructive...please define
Karmic said:
another worthy mention is The Red Violin

great movie, musically and otherwise
<333 *swoon*

such a beautiful, haunting movie.

and the "Cheese ... Violin. You play the violin and you get cheese" line totally cracked my friend and me up when we were watching it.
Karmic said:
city of god was pretty good too

yeah it was. and the fact that it was based on a true story is even crazier. I really liked the cinematography and how the story was written out. and all of the actors were pretty much amateurs, as far as I know.
I watched "Un chien andalou" a few months back. Even though it doesn't make any sense I think it's one of the few films everyone should see during their lifetime.