Best Mp3 player

Jimmy... Dead.

contemplative curmudgeon
Feb 7, 2007
Planet Bullshit
I was wondering what you guys use?

I'm having issues with the Ipod. I think the battery life is terrible and itunes is just crap.

I'm looking for a high quality player.

Even the volume on the Ipod is limited. I mean I use Grado headphones and I can't even hear the music the way it should be heard with a high quality head piece.

Any suggestions?
I have a Samsung 4 or 6 gig mp3 player...I don't need to carry around my entire music collection with me at all times.

it's nice and works fine. no complaints


both are great mp3s players, but they're just a bit too overpriced and neither comes in 32gb. I'm waiting for a 32 gb flash player that costs >$300 before I buy another player. I'm content with my sansa clip 2gb for the time being.
I was going to get the 2nd gen Zune but the biggest turn off was the fact that it doesnt have an equalizer, and I don't know what the battery life will be like.
The battery life's enough to get you through the day, but if you forget to hook it up every night you'll be screwed. But that's with the first gen, the 2nd apparently has it better, and the wireless doesn't soak up so much power.
my first gen zune is ok. It does it's job. It's quite big and it can be slow but the menu is better than newer ipods and it scratches a lot less easily. I liked my creative zen Microphoto but it's too little capacity. I like to have all my music on seeing as I can...

I'd get a new zune if I was looking for a new mp3 player though. Or a sony, creative or cowon one.
The battery life's enough to get you through the day, but if you forget to hook it up every night you'll be screwed. But that's with the first gen, the 2nd apparently has it better, and the wireless doesn't soak up so much power.

I can vouch, I have a new gen 4 gig (lul) and the battery life is good.
I'm perfectly happy with my 30GB Creative Zen. It's a Vision W so it's a bit bigger than the other versions but I watch videos on it so it's great in that regard, and I really can't say anything bad about it at all, it's fantastic! Though at the time it did end up costing me about $425, but included was the $80 3-year warranty.
I'd say Creative Zen, but mine stopped working after a week so I sent it back and got an iPod instead. The new ones ('classics' for some reason) are superb, I dropped mine in a toilet and it still works fine... plus the battery life is fine. The screen is good too.

I don't mind iTunes tbh, but as mentioned before Winamp can sync iPods.
My 30gb Zen Vision M was fantastic. Great screen, videos, pictures, w/e. Great battery life. Worked great. Loved it. If I ever find the motherfucker who stole it, there will be blood.
The one creative product I bought broke. On the other hand, I've owned two iPods, both of which were great, though my mini didn't hold enough music which is why I got my 80gb classic.

So... Creative is shit, buy Apple. Unless it's a mac, in which case you're a fucktard to buy one.
ive had 3 creative products no problems, all my friends have had their iPods break or sent in numerous time.

and itunes is gay