Well since everyone is putting lists now...
1. Blackwater Park / Morningrise
2. Damnation/ Ghost Reveries / Deliverence / Orchid
3. Still Life / My Arms, Your Worst. (Sorry, had to put that...)
Like someone else said somewhere, maybe the least favourites are due to the fact I got them last (besides GR, which being new got lots of play...) and Karma. I really like Still Life, I just listen to it the least and if I had to think of an Opeth song on the spot there is a 90% chance it wouldn't be off Still Life (or be Karma).
Also to be honest, I didn't listen to Orchid much in the past but recently "got it" again and so thats why its in the middle whereas before I probably would have swapped it with Still Life. I think the middle and bottom spots are liquid depending on mood but the top spot(s) will probably stay as they are.