MAYH is a truly stunning album. If recorded like black water park was. i think it would be even better.
Shadius said:It dosn't feel like an Opeth album somehow.
Morningrise Sucks bawuls!!EVH316 said:Although I try to respect your individual opinions, anyone that lists Morningrise as Opeth's worst album is a fucking tool.
That is all.
vampyrouss said:Out of those Blackwater Park for me. Then Ghost Reveries, then MA,YH.
Out of ALL their albums I would say Morningrise and Blackwater Park do it for me.
Actually, it is supposed to be the individual's opinion, so yes, there is such thing as a "Best Opeth Album" to them.sevenmilestones said:there is no such thing as "the best opeth album"
they are all different works of art. you wouldn't go and say which picasso painting was the best. the most popular can be said, but there is no thing as "best" when it comes to artists as talented and unhindered as opeth.
Tubbs Mcgee said:Hmm... it seems as though everybody is rating their albums from least favorite to favorite... okay then.
Here's what I think:
1. Delviverince
1.1. Orphan
1.2. Mroningrize
1.3. Stall Lyfe
1.5. My Ohms, Your Herd
1.5. Whitewater Palk
1.5. Damn United Nation
1.5. Goat Remedies