Best reason to post again: new Agalloch DVD is out

i'm an agalloch completist so i'll probably buy it but i gotta be dead honest and say i don't think agalloch is a live dvd kind of band, at all
I went to TER on the slim chance that they may be selling this and who do I see as the featured artist...

If this label wasn't done a year ago, it now has a hot steaming fork protruding from it's posterior.

OT: I'm seeing Agalloch in two weeks, I'll grab it at the show if it's available. [/Fanboy]
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We weren't even told. I heard about it via our stupid Lastfm page.

I do have to say that we aren't 100% satisfied with it. It is interesting for what it is but considering the disasterous conditions it was filmed under (mainly me having a 102 degree fever on stage and several technical issues), it is a miracle that show and DVD even happened. There were a lot of problems in the post production as well which is why it was so delayed. I think we made something kind of cool out of the shitty footage (Novembers Doom had the same crew/problems when they did their Belgium DVD - again organized by the Metalzone people).

Think of it as more of an obscure curiousity item created by the people at Shiver Recs/Metalzone than something the band really planned for. It was very last minute and organized by the promoter of that particular gig. I was so sick, I really didn't care what was going on. I just wanted it over with.

Yeah, as much as I love Agalloch, I don't think watching them on a DVD would be very entertaining. Live it's fun, but I think Agalloch will produce the best music in the studio.
One of the best live bands I've ever seen... but do I really want this?

Haughm's got me doubtin it

It looks very "kvlt" anyway. Black and white, heavily layered...kind of like a 1920s expressionist film or something. Les Légions Noires would be proud. When we received the master tapes of each camera angle, I couldn't believe the quality. The colors were so off. This was a "professional" film crew? Really?? Perhaps Belgium has different standards. Apparently Novembers Doom ran their footage through several levels of color compression to make theirs watchable. We just said "fuck color".

So we approached it like an experimental film with the editing and I think it worked out ok. An actual Agalloch show would not look like this so perhaps it is a compromise between an actual live experience and a film. I think more bands should do this since there is no way to truely replicate the experience of a live show on a DVD.

Anyway, take from it what you will. Love it or hate it. I'm more interested in playing in Portland in two weeks and then finishing the next record than thinking about this DVD...

Being an Agalloch completist, do you, by chance, own test pressings of Pale Folklore and The Mantle?

This is probably the funniest case of bragging I have noted during the course of this week, and I work with a bunch of salesmen.

Haughghghmmmm: The gentleman above would like semen samples but is too embarrassed to ask, so I took the liberty to do it for him. Would you kindly assist him in his endeavours?