What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Hey dude, we try to not be that type of forum. Many of us disagree highly about many bands, but generally it's not a "yuo dont lyke them!? U R teh gay!!!111" Notice I said generally, as it does occasionally occur. 
You bring up a good point about the look in the mirror bit, but still, A LOT of us have heard some really foolish stuff about Opeth from fanboys, especially around these parts ( Besides, if you look at our Opeth love / hate thread, you'll see quite a few of us really love the band (or at least parts of them), including myself.
EDIT: You posted in that thread several times, which means you already saw it, nevermind. Anyhow, the short and skinny of it is that a lot of Opeth fanboys say "Opeth is the best band ever, if you don't agree, you are stupid." I've met a few in person and its hard to even have a musical conversation with them because anything not involving Opeth is immediately looked down upon. That's pretty foolish.

You bring up a good point about the look in the mirror bit, but still, A LOT of us have heard some really foolish stuff about Opeth from fanboys, especially around these parts ( Besides, if you look at our Opeth love / hate thread, you'll see quite a few of us really love the band (or at least parts of them), including myself.

EDIT: You posted in that thread several times, which means you already saw it, nevermind. Anyhow, the short and skinny of it is that a lot of Opeth fanboys say "Opeth is the best band ever, if you don't agree, you are stupid." I've met a few in person and its hard to even have a musical conversation with them because anything not involving Opeth is immediately looked down upon. That's pretty foolish.