Best Rock/metal vocalist.

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1. Blackie Lawless!!!!!!
2. DIO!
3. Freddie Mercury
4. Rob Halford
5. Sebastian Bach
6. Paul Di'Anno
7. Bruce Dickinson
8. Steven Tyler (on heroin)
9. Pål Flåta
10. Hank von Helvete
Dont want to make a stringent list, it is all ultimately preference.

personal favourites

Mikael Akerfeldt
Peter Steele
Marco Van De Velde
Rowan London
Johnathon Davis
Burton Bell

Plenty of others, they jump to mind first.
Ian Gillan
Ronnie James Dio
Bruce Dickinson
Mikael Akerfeldt
David Thomas (Blood, Sweat, and Tears)
Anneke Van Giersbergen (The Gathering)
Rob Halford
Geoff Tate
Jeff Buckley
Joni Mitchell
Steven Tyler on heroin was much better than Steven Tyler any other time.

Yup Liv Tyler that bitch got him off smack, may she rott in a shallow grave and be raped by various demons of the netherworld (etc. etc.)
And now the entier band sucks arse, they should get the toxic twins back on their toxins
This has been done so many times and each time it always ends up just being either an argument (which I'm surprised this isn't) or just a list of people with no discussion.

Superlative topics are boring.
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