Best Super Hero Movie Ever!!


APT Guitarist/vocalist
Jan 3, 2008
Fairfield, CA
What do you think?

Before today, I would have said, the original Batman movie with Michael Keaton (probably). But I had never really thought about it.

However, I just finished watching, what I'm calling the best super hero movie ever!


I went into it feeling kinda lukewarm on the deal. I hadn't heard anybody really rave about it. It seemed to not draw much interest, from what I had heard. Are you kidding me???

I loved every second of this movie! I can't wait to see it again.

The more I think about it, "The Dark Knight" will have to go in the #2 slot. It would have been nearly perfect were it not for that stupid-ass voice Bale used when he was in the Bat-suit. That was distracting.


I enjoyed the movie a lot, I don't think it's my fave though.. even though I can't really figure out which one I like best... haha

I just think this was a great movie, with or without the super hero bonus. I watched it again last night.

"Wild, Wild West" aside :lol:, what can't Will Smith do? I think he's awesome.

I finally saw this movie on Wednesday. I'm not big on superhero flicks though I did enjoy the new Batman movies...but then I digress being a huge Christian Bale fan. Anyways, back to Hancock. Hancock was a lot of fun to watch. I enjoyed the storyline and the actors; my only complaint was that the CGI was over the top but then I feel that way about a lot of recent movies.

Every single time I see Will Smith in another movie, I am again reminded how much I like him as an actor. I cannot recall a movie that he's been in that I haven't loved his portrayal of the character. He has the ability to make me laugh, cry and empathize with the situation. Jason Bateman, people. He's definitely taking another shot at the entertainment business. This is the 2nd recent movie (Juno was the other) that I've seen Jason Bateman in and I'm beginning to really like him on screen too - even though I've watched him on (yes, I'm dating myself here) Silver Spoons and Hogan's Family. Hard to forget that, LOL!

If you haven't seen it yet, go out and rent it.
I just think this was a great movie, with or without the super hero bonus. I watched it again last night.

"Wild, Wild West" aside :lol:, what can't Will Smith do? I think he's awesome.


So true.. his next one coming out "Seven Pounds" looks like it's going to be another killer flick...

He was good in I Am Legend, but to me the story fell a little flat. Hancock was very cool though... I loved it when he took it to the French kid... (whoever heard of a French bully anyways? The writers must of had a laugh over that one)
Killer movie!! Great story as well. I am constantly blown away by Will Smith and Charlize Theron every time I see them in a movie. Great actors!!

Good call Sorrell:rock:
