Best Vintersorg Album ?

This is a tough one. I would have to say Visions from the Spiral Generator because this album i have listened to the most.
4-3: I have been listening to Cosmic Genesis, wow this album is really good.
Right now, I am going to say Cosmic Genesis. This is a really hard question to answer. When I am in the mood for some earthy folk metal, Till Fjalls and Odemarken Son as well as the Otyg albums. When I want some solid progressive music, then it's Visions or Cosmic Genesis. Bummer is that I don't have TFB yet! I guess it depends on the mood I am in.
I own visions from the spiral generator but my favorite would have to be Cosmic Genesis. I really need to get that one.
Most favored to least favored:

1. Cosmic Genesis / The Focusing Blur
2. Till Fjalls
3. All the rest are tied for three

It depends on which day you ask me. Seriously, it's a tough choice. I suppose if I absolutely must pick one I'd say Cosmic Genesis by a narrow margin (today's pick at least haha!).
I can't say which my favorite is anymore... I've been listening to Odemarken and and Till Fjalls recently... they are just mezmerizing me on these new JBLs I got.
I only own hedniskhjartad and visions from the spiral generator, but have more on the way. I think I prefere hedniskhjartad, but visions is good to.
I love folk metal these days.