Best way to export?? without loosing quality...

Mat Laperle

Dec 30, 2006
hey, I need someone to light me on this one..
I'm using cubase right now and I was thinking about exporting a guitar track because there's a lot of edits on it (and a couple of unused takes under it ) and then replacing the existing track with the new one,
but I was wondering if I would loose quality...

Do I Really need to export a track when everything is all done?.. or can i do it more than once...
Someone was telling me that when exporting to a .wav track multiple times , we loose quality each time, is it true?
If there is quality loss, then what is the best way to get rid of the unused takes under the good ones or even a better solution for exporting like cubase do when saving a project...

thank you really much!
Whenever the track has to be re-sampled for whatever reason there is quality loss. This happens when we consolidate a bunch of edited takes to form a single audio block, as those takes are all rendered again to create the one file.

The best way to export losslessly is to always export to a format that's the same as what your session is running in.

So if you're running 24-bit 44kHz, then you should export at that rate until you get to the finished product, which supposedly will either be CD quality, or MP3.
And you can bounce to clip or something similar in Cubase to have the same effect as you're after. Just select all audio files of the edited track, right click and select bounce to clip (or what's it called exactly).
and another nifty edit trick in cubase or nuendo is
if you have a lot of layers of bad takes going on, and only one top layer of good take ;-) then

select all of your top layer, one peice at a time holding down the shift key as you click each event

once you have selected all of the good takes from the track on the top layer, hold the control key and drag all the way down to the empty bottom of your track list

a new track will be created, containing only the top layer of your takes

go back to the old track and select every take (these are now the takes that were underneath) and delete them or put them in a back up bin or something

just so you know, all plugins, eq, and settings from the channel of the track will be copied to the new track as well
