best/worst symphony x album cover.

I dunno man, I thought Divine wings had a decent cover. If anything I like all their covers, but My fav is between Divine wings and V:. Give me one reason why divine wings isn't so brilliant? :loco: :dopey:
magnificent melody said:
I dunno man, I thought Divine wings had a decent cover. If anything I like all their covers, but My fav is between Divine wings and V:. Give me one reason why divine wings isn't so brilliant? :loco: :dopey:

well i guess its a matter of taste, the art was.........fuzy, not clear......i dont know, but what i do know is that the album itself was brilliant, just like i said before, dont judge a book by its cover.
I would say that the best SymX album cover is indeed "The Odyssey" TIED with "V"...."V"'s cover art is awesome....the "worst", which doesn't even really apply here because all of the cover art is awesome, would have to be "Divine Wings of Tragedy" cool as it is, it's the least cool of all of their albums....that doesn't make it ugly by ANY means, but it just isn't AS COOL AS "V" and "The Odyssey"....or even the Self Titled, "Damnation Game" or "Twilight in Olympus"....
Ayreon Guardian X said:
I would say that the best SymX album cover is indeed "The Odyssey" TIED with "V"...."V"'s cover art is awesome....the "worst", which doesn't even really apply here because all of the cover art is awesome, would have to be "Divine Wings of Tragedy" cool as it is, it's the least cool of all of their albums....that doesn't make it ugly by ANY means, but it just isn't AS COOL AS "V" and "The Odyssey"....or even the Self Titled, "Damnation Game" or "Twilight in Olympus"....

thats what i meant, dwot cover art was ok, it just wasnt as good as V or the odyssey.
If you're counting Prelude to the Millennium, then it has to be Prelude To The Millennium. Otherwise DNG.

Best: Odyssey

Other comments:
The self-titled album's cover is excellent - it's sort of simple but really, really cool. Divine Wings is alright, but I don't think it's particularly amazing. I remember when I first saw the DNG cover I just thought wtf? I still don't get it. Twilight seemed a bit of a half-arsed cover to me. V's concept is pretty cool, but could have been pulled off better. LotEOF is good. I assume The Odyssey had a bigger budget, hence it's superiority.

Disclaimer: My views on the covers of the albums in no way correlate with my views on the actual albums themselves.
Am I the only person who doesn't like the cover to the Odyssey?

Otherwise my favorite covers would be Damnation Game, V, and Divine Wings.
Beez--No, you're not the only one who doesn't like the Odyssey cover; I think it's totally overblown.

Now about elegance. Seriously the cover actually made me buy it--and this at a time when I'd almost decided I wouldn't try another SymX album. Easily the best cover they've ever done. Divine Wings isn't bad, either.

As for worst, I give that either to Damnation Game or The Odyssey.
Rose Immortal said:
Beez--No, you're not the only one who doesn't like the Odyssey cover; I think it's totally overblown.

The only reason I picked up my first SX album (odyssey) was the cover.

The same goes for Sonata Arctica's Winterheart's Guild. Now there's a nice cover :)
The only problem with the cover of Twilight in Olympus is that it looks a lot like the cover to The Moody Blues' album The Present. Still, it could be worse. :p