best/worst symphony x album cover.

The Live album was kinda boring... Also Odyssey had a little bit of "80's metal band painting" look to it.

Best... Divine Wings of Tragedy
Rose Immortal said:
Beez--No, you're not the only one who doesn't like the Odyssey cover; I think it's totally overblown.

Agreed. I remember when the cover was first revealed on the website and I didn't like it. Then a week later they added a bunch of mist to cover up the sirens' butts. Then I really didn't like it.
I'm not a huge fan of any of that fantasy cover art stuff... Self-titled is probably their best cover art. But that's just my opinion.
Coming from a graphic artist who's done covers in the past, the best by far is DWoT. It was the first SX album I bought and I think the cover is magnificent, very etheral and the soft focus stain glass windows... Magic! The intricate and gloomy frame is also brilliant. makes for a nice contrast.

I wont say V because it looks so 3D computer graphics which has never done anything for me. but I like it. great concept

Worst - Twiglight in Olympus. Looks very slapped together
This may sound stupid, but what is it people have against the computer-graphics element of V? I know it's very obvious what it is...but The Odyssey, which a lot of people seem to like is also computer graphics. Why one and not the other?

(To me, The Odyssey lacks the elegance of V...but what do you guys say?)
To my mind, the difference is the quality. The Odyssey's cover is well made, whereas the V cover really isn't. As I said before I very much like the concept, but the artwork looks far more amateurish than the Odyssey - the figures look almost like they're made from plastic. I'm not saying that it was done by an amateur, nor that I could do better, only that the artist who did the Odyssey cover was more capable than the V artist, and that I think it shows.
I am under the impression they've never really cared about their covers. Don't know if I'm wrong but it seems to me as if they just put something together instead of just leaving a Verbatim label or something...
Interesting that you'd say that about the V artist; I personally would've thought he/she had the better artistic eye.

To me, the artist for The Odyssey went way, WAY over the top, and seemed determined to fill every possible space on that thing.

The V artist really knows how to use position, open space, and color, and how to make a point through simplicity. But that's just a personal bias of mine that extends into music itself, too. For example, when it comes to keyboardists, I WAY prefer the Rick Wright/Kevin Moore kind of player (technically not as capable but with a better ear for what's appropriate in a given situation) to a Jordan Rudess who has no idea what SILENCE means. Then again, I'd better stop talking about Rudess or I'll just rant for hours... ;)
yeah, what struck me about the Odyssey cover is that it was exactly what I would imagine upon hearing "the Odyssey" as a title. it wasn't very... original? the art style is cool, but as Rose Immortal said he or she filled the whole damn cover with STUFF and it detracts from it.

Divine Wings is such a great cover because the edges are all fuzzy and soft, though its clear that whatever is going on is urgent and desperate. also, the colors used are not distracting or over the top, they accent the meaning.
Let's have a competition to see who can redo the Odyssey cover the best. ;)

I agree with Rose, btw. I think there isn't much of a slamming composition going on with The Odyssey cover. There's no real focus to it. It's all over the place. The artist has the technical skill, but compositionally is lacking. It's OK, though. It happens to a lot of artists. I look at Brom and I'm blown away by his use of color and his imagination. His human forms boggle my mind, especially since he doesn't use reference. However, I think his work lacks decent composition. They're more like studies than compositions.
On Divine Wings, another thing is the expressiveness of the lady's face...that look is very forlorn and screams "tragedy" without being overstated or cliched. I also happen to like her because she reminds me a LOT of a character I have in one of my stories in both appearance and demeanor. Heck, I have the shirt for that one. I wanted a V shirt but SOMEBODY didn't make enough mediums (just teasin' ya, Glenn, I love ya anyway ;) ), and I ended up with the Divine Wings shirt. I've had compliments on it from people who have no clue about Symphony X; they like the lady a lot.
Silent Song said:
yeah, what struck me about the Odyssey cover is that it was exactly what I would imagine upon hearing "the Odyssey" as a title. it wasn't very... original? the art style is cool, but as Rose Immortal said he or she filled the whole damn cover with STUFF and it detracts from it.

see now i just dont agree...(but thats ok) cuz it's just what i expected as well, and i was cool with it. more than cool with it. i guess i'd go so far as to say that i totally dug it. if anything, it gave some kind of insight into a part of the journey that the, er, imaginatively impaired could not draw upon without it. and i think thats what the artist may have been trying to accomplish, if, it is indeed an original concept design. kinda busy, yes. but it's still cool with me. better than a pic of that old cracked plate.